What Is This Soul You Speak Of

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I walked back into Eliza's room after cleaning off the blood. I'm not even gonna question how it got on me.

"Ok guys, I wanna address something important..." I say while turning towards John and Thomas. "Why were you two making out?"

"Well, it started as a heated argument and things escalated and uh yeah..." Jefferson explained. "Why were you in the window?"

"Oh uh just youre usual running from death because of an insult."

"What did they say?"

"So a guy named Benny called me short. I challenged him to a fight. A chair died today. I ran for my life, hence the window" I say casually.

"Alex you idiot, he called you short, so what?" He scoffs.

"Hey! You'd say otherwise if you were me! People call me short when I'm the average height of a person" i growl.

"How tall are you?"

"5'7. Why?"

"You're short"

"Shut up you 6 foot asshole!"

"Fuck you you midget werewolf!"

I flip him off. Jefferson kisses me but i push away.

"Ok, the argument thing makes a lot more sense now..." I sigh. "If you'll excuse me, I gotta go"

Where are you going, Alex?" Peggy asks.

"I'm just going for a walk" i say before leaving.

I gotta say it feels wierd walking through the halls. Theres no one talking crap about me, a few of the posters are gone. Theres even less people. But that's probably because it's the weekend.

Then i see her and turn around immediately.

"Maybe she didn't see me..." I mutter while walking away.

"Alexander!" She shouts.

"Maybe if I keep walking she'll forget my existence..."

Suddenly, someone turns me around so I'm facing them.

"Damn it maria! Why can't you leave me alone!?" I snap.

"Because i lov-"

"No" I cut her off. "Dont you dare finish that sentence. Now piss off! You ruined my day."

I start walking away but she pins me against a wall and kisses me.


The room was quiet since Alex left so i thought id bring up something important.

"So Angelica, I hear you like a certain Thomas Paine" i say.

"Oh my god, John, stop! I said that one time!" She growls.

"You still said it though! Youre smiling because you know im right"

She looks away as soon as i said that.

"So when's the wedding?" I joke.

"I hate you John. I really do"

"Uh guys? Shouldn't we make sure alex doesn't get into any trouble?" Herc suggests.

"He's fine, how much trouble could he get into in 5 minutes?"

"Didnt he almost get hit by a car the first day of college?"

"...Yeah you're right. Lets go find him"

Me, Jefferson and Herc left to find Alex. Surely he can't get into that much trouble, right?

Man, I have never been more wrong.

We did find Alex eventually. He was making out with maria. She was pulling him into a random room so i ran over and punched her.

Then immediately regretted it

"Ow... My hand freaking hurts!" I say.

"How did you even manage that?" Jefferson scoffs while walking towards me, Herc following behind.

"Angels arent usually violent!"

"Well get used to it. And you can't say anything considering the past between demons and angels"

"Fine. 21st century angels aren't usually violent. Satisfied?"


"Ugh... Alex, you ok?"

"I uh... I have no idea... I'm pretty sure Maria is a witch or demon-" he sighs.

"Nope. Demon"

"Are you sure-"

"Yep. She's a demon" I cut him off again.

"...is there anyone else at this college with some sort of magical whatever type aspect that wants to ruin my life?"

"I mean, probably but we'll never know"

I look towards Herc who was just on his phone his entire time.

"You know, you could've helped" i say.

He throws a book at Maria without looking up from his phone. I guess that helps.

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