~1 Week Later~

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Im finally able to go back to classes! It feels weird though. Before I was bedridden because some idiot chose to beat the living crap out of me. Now I'm going to class with minimal assistance from friends.

Huh life is great isnt? Nope.

After a few hours pass and I'm done with classes, who do I see glaring at me? None other than Thomas freaking Jefferson. They're being a creep and staring me down through one of the classroom door windows.

Not good. I know whats gonna happen.

I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory. In fact, I imagine death practically every day.
Is this where it gets me, on my feet, sev'ral feet ahead of me?

I know what'll happen.

As soon as i get close to that door, hes gonna spring out and attack me like some rabid badger.

I see it coming, should I run, fire my non-existent gun or let it be?
Those are my only options and these are the results:

1. Running- Jefferson is gonna burst through that door and in gonna have to book it to safety or a knife or something.

2. Fire my gun- considering I don't have one with me since I didnt plan any duels today this is already a bad idea. I would have to go with my backup "gun". I could attempt to barate them with a million insults and hope I dont die.

Great idea I know

That just leaves me with the last one

3. Let it be- I can summon all the courage I require to walk near the door. I can easily defend myself in a fight just not for a long time against Jefferson.

Hhh these aren't really great choices.

I make my decision but first text John. I forgot to mention, I have a phone now

HamilTONofCoffee: laurens I need help

TurtleKing: what do you need

HamilTONofCoffee:are you in Washington's classroom rn?

TurtleKing: yeah...wait youre not using grammar what's going on?!

HamilTONofCoffee: Jefferson exists.

TurtleKing: oh

HamilTONofCoffee:listen, im gonna run past Washington's room. As soon as you here foot steps you need to come outside.

TurtleKing:what why

HamilTONofCoffee: because I have a 50 pound backpack that will be the death of me when I'm being chased

TurtleKing: ?

HamilTONofCoffee: I'm gonna throw my stuff to you so i can run quicker!

TurtleKing: ok. Good luck

I feel a shiver go down my spine when he types that. Option 1 here we go!

I slowly turn around away from the door. I hear Jefferson slowly opening it; preparing for the moment to strike.

Ok Hamilton you got this. 3, 2, 1. I book it down the gall with Jefferson right behind me. As i get closer to washingtons room I see Laurens. Perfect.
I throw my stuff to him and im immediately twice as fast as i was before. Jefferson is still right behind me though.

Darn you, you giant moron! Why do you have to be taller?!

I look back for a second and I swear I could see my mom...but im not ready to die.

I look forward and see this dumb thing called a wall. Yeah I forgot those exist. I also forgot how much they hurt when you're running at the soeed of sound towards one. Stupid wall.

You can guess what happens next. Not all of it though.

So I run at the stupid object known as a wall at full speed. Great. I can feel pain all throughout my body and feel lije i broke something, im just not sure what.

I quickly turn around and obviously Jefferson hadn't realized either that walls exist. However, that was the least of his concerns. Its almost as if it we're in slow motion. As I turn around and see Jefferson, I take the moment as my advantage.

I kick.

Really I just lifted my leg at the right moment. I consider it a kick though.
He got close, i lifted my leg with enough force and the right timing to kick him directly between the legs, stopping him in his tracks.

Ha! Newton was right! With every action there's an equal opposite reaction.

I learned this the hard way. Or nearly did anyway.

Jefferson fell to his knees in immense pain. Gee, i almost felt sorry for the guy. Then he attempted to punch me in the crotch and missed. At that moment I realized this wasn't gonna end until the end of college.

Hhh life is great isnt it?

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