How the Heck did You Find Me

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This is bad. Alex just left with no way of knowing how to dget to the college. Sure New york is based on a grid system, but you can still get lost...somehow.

Washington actually let me and Jefferson ride in his car to find Alex. It took a while but we came across a group of Werewolves. I get out the car.

"Excuse me but have you seen someone go by here? Around 5'7, has a ponytail and a short temper?"

Who im assuming is the alpha, "Piss off mate" he said.

"Wow the legends are true. Werewolves are assholes"

His ears twitch as he faces me. "And i thought angels dont curse"

"I guess im the first one."

He scoffs. "Obnoxious and shoots off at the mouth?"


"Yer friend is over there in that alley" he points behind him.

I rush over to Alex and hes bleeding out but somehow still has a pulse. I carry him back to the car and walk up to the alpha again.

"What did you do to him"

"Quite nothing but him on full moons hmhm" he laughs.

I stare at him in horror before jumping in the car.

"WE NEED YO GO NOW!!" i yell.

"Calm down Laurens" Jefferson says. Washington just looks at me.

I whisper in Jefferson's ear whats going on and hes suddenly panicking too.

"Lets go already!!" He says. Washinton looked concerned but drove us back to the college.

Jefferson helps me carry Alex to his form and wash off the blood.

I check for marks and of course he was bitten AND scratched.

Once Alex I cleaned up and bandaged, we just wait for him to wake up.

I don't know why but lately Jefferson has been... More tolerable. Maybe he really does love Alex. I'm still not gonna give up though.

And so we waited

After around 2 hours Alex started to wake up. Good. He's still alive.

"Hey alex, how are you feeling?" I ask.

"Like I was run over by a truck... Where am I? And whys he here?" He pointed to Jefferson before dropping his arm. His words slurred so it was kinda funny.

"Me and Jefferson helped you"

"That's nice...Jefferson is a nice guy..." And he fell asleep again. I guess it's best that he rest.

Its weird though. I never thought I'd hear "Jefferson" and "nice guy" in the same sentence. From Alex.

I carefully put Alex in bed and went to my own room. Jefferson left, probably to see James. I can finally relax and sleep and not worry about anything.

Boy was I wrong

Im immediately woken up at 2 in the morning the next day.

Not by alarm

Not by my phone

Not by Herc and laf

By Angelica freaking Schuyler breaking the dorm door yelling "ALEXANDER ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!"

I groan and rub my eyes. "What are you doing here angelica?" I say through a yawn.

"Jefferson told me what happened. Is alexander ok? She asks again.

"He was bleeding out for a good 30 minutes but he'll live"


"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhut up. Its 2 in the morning and the walls are thin. You're gonna wake up the entire college"

"What happened go him" she lowered her voice go a whisper.

"He got beat up by some werewolves"

"You don't think-"

"I dont know, go look at his body... Not in that way but there is a chance"

She sighed then went to Alex's room. I heard I small yelp and footsteps back to my room.

"Do you by any chance have the pistol and silver bullets from your birthday?" She asked innocently.

"One, no, theyre back home all the way in south Carolina. And two youre not killing Alex"

"Theyre not for Alex. Theyre for the guys that attacked him"

"You realize if Alex cant take them on on his own, you cant right?"

"But alex isnt supernatural like us"

"Well he is now" i sigh.

"When are you gonna tell him about... You know"

"When I date him"

"You're kidding" she laughs.

"Ehh kinda. I just dont want to scare him"

"Believe me, his past was scarier than this"

"What do you mean?"

"Uhh nothing. But I think I know a way to get you two together"

She's hiding something, I can feel it. Whats so scary about Alex's past? And what else has he been hiding?

"You cant force love Angie"

"Im not forcing anything. But you two obviously like each other, you just need... A little nudge in the right direction"

"What are you planning" im suddenly interested.

"Not much. Come by the dorm with Alex later on"

"Ok just dont try to do anything... I guess anything I'd disapprove of" I say while covering back up in my blanket.

"And stop coming in here so late! Who knows what could've been going on!"

"John your gay is showing"

"Shut up" I say while trying to fall asleep. I can already tell my face is probably red. "AND FIX THE DOOR!!"

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