Maybe Life Isn't So Bad ~Said Nobody

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I wake up back on the couch and my head hurting.

...What exactly happened?

Umm Lets see... I remember watching movies with thom- Jefferson and John. Something happened but its a blurr. I remember waking up and being told im a werewolf...probably a lie. Oh! Dating Jefferson. Thats a thing.

"Oh good you're up"

I jump when i see John. Was he here this whole time?

"You wouldnt happen to have any coffee by any chance, would you?" I ask.

"Wow, its amazing how thats the first thing you think of"

"Well coffee makes everything better"

"Do you remember anything before fainting?"

"Yeah I kinda just went over that in my head... Did I actually agree to date Jefferson?"


"And you're fine with this?"

"I guess?" He says.

"You dont sound too confident"

"Im fine with it"



"Ok" is all i can say.

"Also, he kinda drew stuff on your face"

"That asshole..."


"Are you really gonna try to stop me from cursing?" I almost laugh at the thought.

"Im attempting to"

"Well then, im probably late for class so I'll see you in a bit."

I stand up and walk towards the door.

"Its the weekend" he says.

"You couldn't let me get there first could you?" I say while turning around.

Im not sure if I've noticed this before but Jefferson is no where to be seen. I drop back on the couch.

"So what do you want to do? I would be writing but i managed to fill all my journals and currently don't have the money to by another"

"I had a few ideas. What about going to a party?"

"Social interaction is gross" i say blatantly.

"You cant say that if you're talking to me, Alex."

"Ah but i can. I can stop talking to you"

"Well what about going to the library?"

"I'm uhh actually banned from the library..." I trail off.

"How do you even get banned from a library?"

"I'm sure you can find the video... I was dragged out for reading to many books"

He glared at me slightly and I knew he didnt believe me.

"Ok fine. I made a small igloo of books in the quietest part of the library so i could read in peace. One thing led to another and the staff physically dragged me out of the library"

He's quiet before bursting into laughter.

"I dont see whats so funny about that. Anyways, where is Jefferson?"

"He's still here. But since you were on the couch and in no universe is he ever sleeping on my bed..."

"Hold on one moment..."

I go to my room and see Jefferson asleep on my bed. Jeez, how long was i out that he had time to take a nap?

"Hey, wake up!" I say.

"Leave me alone and let me sleep" he mutters.

"Yeaaaaah no"

I take a few steps back before drop kicking him off the bed.

Yeah, that was a bit unnecessary, but it worked.

"What the hell! I was sleeping!" He yells from the floor.

"Correction, if you were asleep you wouldnt have responded to me telling you to wake up" I scoff.

He groans before standing up.

"Another thing, what did you draw on me?" I ask.

"Theres a mirror in the bathroom, go see for yourself"

"Tell me."

"Just a few things. Its not too bad"

"Then tell me"

"Nah, you should look in the mirror"


"First name? Thats new. I didnt draw anything"

"Then what did you write" I growl.

" ' my name is Ham and thomas jefferson is better than me' "

"You know sometimes I really hate you"

"Love ya too, Hamilton" he says.

I go to the bathroom and wash off what he wrote. I head towards the door.

"Hey guys, im gonna take a walk outside. Wanna join?"

"Sure" they say in unison. I can only describe that as creepy.

I wait for them as they grab theyre jackets. As soon as i open the door I hear thunder and close it again.

"Whats wrong?" John asks

"Uhh n-nothing. We should stay here"

"Whaaat? But it's a nice day out and it was your idea to go on the walk"

"Yeah Well I changed my mind!" I hiss.

I hear thunder again but i know they havent noticed yet. You know how some people have that special skill where they can just sense something?(I can sense food, don't judge me!) For me its storms and i absolutely hate it!.

Jefferson walks over to the window. "Uhh maybe youre right. It looks like it might rain" he says.

Im already back in my room before he can finish his sentence. I lock the door behind me before either of them can say a word.

Please just let it be a light rain. Please don't let it be thunder.

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