Can I Please Delete This Conversation

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I wake up and see a bright light.

Bright light...

OH NO IM DYING- wait never mind. Its just the bright as hell hospital lights.

I'm on an oddly comfortable hospital bed. My right arm is numb. I look around and I see... John, washington and Jefferson.

"Weel wid ye keek at that, wha hud tae gang 'n' git washington heavy goin?" I say.

They all look at me with confused and somewhat concerned looks.

"Sorry, had a bit of the Scottish accent come out" I chuckle.

"Well you are the son of a Scotsman" Washington says.

"Who told you that?!"

"Elizabeth Schuyler"

Really eliza? Whyd you have to tell washington? Stop trying to be like angelica!

"But I need to ask you something" he starts.


"Laurens and Jefferson told me about what happened and-"

"Can you get to the point?" I dont know why im acting like this.

He sighs, "son, when you fell out the window, was that an attempt to..."

To what? What is he asking- oh. Holy crap hes asking if it was suicide.

"Sir, with all do respect, that was only an attempt to leave the room. Sure, i was an idiot for not choosing the door. Sure, it may have looked like suicide. But rest assured that it was simple error." I state plainly.

"Then Alex, explain these" john says as he rolls up my sleeves. Bloody hell, ever heard of personal space?

He was showing washington my arms which were littered with cuts. "I uhh... I fell in a bush...?" I lie. I look over and see Jefferson silently cheering but quickly stops when john glares at him.

"Alex. The truth."

Welp there goes my plan to lie my way out.

"Fine. So I may have cut myself a few times. Is that really evidence to prove im suicidal?"

"Alex- "

"Dont call me alex" I cut off jefferson.

"Fine. Hamilton. I think you need to see someone"

"Yeah no. Im fine. So if you all could just leave"

"Son listen, we're trying to help you"

"CALL ME SON ONE MORE TIME!! IM FINE! SO BACK OFF" I didn't notice it before but tears were streaming down my face. Why am i acting like this? What is wrong with me?!

"...Alexander, just... Take care of yourself"

"Great advice. I'm gonna leave now"

"Alex wait-"

But I don't listen. I take out everything connected to me and stumble out the room like im drunk. I wish i could delete that entire conversation. Unfortunately this is real life, and you cant delete things in real life.

I just realized i have no idea where the college is. Luckily, New York is a grid system. It shouldnt take me too long to walk back. I hope.

Ow... My neck hurts where I was stabbed by that random guy. I wonder why...

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