Alex in the Bathroom at a Party

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After a few hours of talking and..."good natured humor" was around 6:30. And from that all good things must come to an end.

"Do I have to go to the party?" I ask.

"For the last time yes! You need to be more social!" Angelica says.

"But being social is gross" I say while looking away.

"Come on Alex! Even you know you're not an introvert. Just meet some people and have some fun!" Eliza says.

"Fun is overrated. But I'll go." I sigh in defeat. If theres anything ive learned it's to not get in an argument. No matter what, they'll win and they're always right.

I end up changing clothes before we leave. I put on a pair of jeans, a white short sleeve shirt and a button up red, plaid shirt over top. I also put on a tie because, you cant go wrong wearing a tie. Im looking pretty dapper if I do say so myself.

Believe it or not, the party wasnt that far. Only a few rooms down. The host was some friend of Jefferson, I think their name was James Madison.

The room was about the size of the schuylers' dorm.

And it. Was. Crowded.

Well, maybe not conert-typed crowded, but it was still packed. Maybe 15 people there. At most 20. And a good portion of them had red solo cups.

It didnt look like anyone was drunk though so thats good.

I sat down on the couch and tried to make myself comfortable.

I listened in on a few conversations. One guy was talking about something sports related. A group of people were chatting about how rude their teacher was for giving them an F. I looked to the side and it looked like some guy was attempting to flirt with shitty pick up lines. Then there was the group who were having a conversation on their phones.

With all the technology, what has society come to?

I look around to find the schuylers but they're already lost in the crowd. I mentally curse myself for not staying with one of them.

Geez, I've only been here 10 minutes and im already finding a million little details that are wrong with the party.

I dont even realize some girl is snapping their fingers in my face.

"Hey handsome" they say.

Oh god, what the hell are they doing?!

"How are you doing?"

"Uhh d-decent I guess" I stutter. Please just go away. Please just go away. Please just go the heck away.

"I know something that can help"

She pulls my tie and pulls me towards her for a kiss. Dang it! Why won't she go away?!

I swat her hand like its a spider and quickly stand up.

"Uhh hehe sorry miss, not interested" I say. My voice was significantly higher when i said it.

I was a nervous wreck.

I grab a cup of beer from the counter and take a sip. I can already feel my common sense and logical thinking being washed away.

I take another sip and begin wandering around the room. A few people tug at my shirt as I pass them. Geez, didnt they learn about a personal bubble in kindergarten?

Besides, im not really interested in any of them.

I swear I heard john or the other two somewhere in the crowd.

I settle with hiding in the bathroom as my best option until the party is over.

I look around to make sure none of the sisters are watching me. I then book it to the bathroom and quickly lock the door behind me.

I sigh in relief and turn around slowly.

I want to vomit

"What are you doing here Hamilton?!" Jefferson yells.

"What are you doing here?! Isnt this your friend's party?!" I shout.

"Well yeah but why the heck are you in here?!"

"You know what I'll just leave" I say as I turn around. I reach for the knob when I hear shuffling.


"What do you want-" I start. Jefferson flipped me around so quickly I almost fell. He bent over and kissed me.

Holy crap what is he doing?!

Why am I not moving?!

Why aren't we stoping?!

Why...does this feel good?

Im kissing my enemy...and im not stopping. I melt into the kiss. I can feel my face turning red. Am I enjoying this? I think I am

I feel his arms snake around my waist. Then theres the sudden interruption of someone banging on the door. Crap, I forgot we were at a party.

"Uhh j-just a minute!" I say. Jefferson moves his hands away and I unlock the door.

I let go of the breath I didnt even know I was holding. I look back at Jefferson.

"...see you at the dorm I guess" I say and open the door. I watch as he leaves the bathroom and disappears in the crowd.

I look to my side and see peggy smirking. Then i realize I'm still blushing.

"So what were you two doing in there~" she asks.

I feel like my face is on fire. "Shut up, pegs".

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