You're a Werewolf Hammy!

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Its been a few days and im looking at myself in the mirror. This has become a daily routine.

I look...different...

I have a beard now which is funny. My genetics doesn't allow a beard. (Quote from Lin lol: this is just not shaving for two days, I have a very Puerto Rican face. I can't grow a beard)

My eyes are yellowish. Thats new.

"Hey John!" I call. "I think i might be sick or something"

He comes into the bathroom.

"What do you mea- wow. Looks like puberty finally hit"

"Fuck you. I'm being serious"

"Ok, hold on. Maybe something is wrong"

He pulls out his phone and shines the flashlight in my eyes.

"Geez, i already have glasses" I groan.

"Relax, stop exaggerating"

"Id hate to have you as an eye doctor. I'd automatically go blind"

He laughs and gets a thermometer from the drawer. I swear, he could be a decent doctor.

He has a startled look on his face but tries to hide.

"So am i dying or what? Cuz uhh that'd be reaaaally unfortunate..." I say while looking away.

"Its should stay in the dorm"

"What? Why?"

"Just stay in the dorm"

"Heres the thing...I'm out of coffee"

"There's a fresh pot in the kitchen"

"Well, guess im staying here!" I say while running to the kitchen.


I sneak out of the dorm while Alex is distracted.

I run to Jefferson's dorm.


"Geez learn to knock!" He says.

"That doesnt matter! Check your phone!"

"Ok? I dont see wh- crap it's a full moon isn't it?"

"Yeah! What do we do?"

"Keep him from being seen and from killing people"

"No really? I thought we'd let him go on a murder spree"

"...You're a real prick and you know it"

"Takes one to know one"

We're both glaring at each other. I was about to slap him, but then he kissed me. I push him away.

"Not the time" I say. Why the heck did I say that? Im not even dating him. We hate each other.

"Well what do you suggest we do?" He asks while looking away.

"Make sure he doesnt leave the dorm. I made coffee but that wont last long"

"Hhhh ok"

We leave and go back to my dorm.

"Alex?" I call.

We go to his room. Its a complete mess.

"Geez Alex what happened? I literally left you alone for a few minutes."

"People on the internet we're wrong and i got mad..." He mutters.

Hes writing at his desk like nothing happened.

"So Alex...wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Can't. I actually planned on seeing the Schuylers today"

"They're visiting friends in Manhattan" i lie.

"I guess I'll just walk down the street by myself"

I push Jefferson in front of me. "Jefferson's here, you could fight him"

He looks up then back down at his paper.

"You cant force hate, John. Besides im already in a bad mood from the internet"


"You officially have my attention" he looks back up to me"

"Good. I can make coffee and we can all watch a movie"

"As long as its not some cheesy romantic movie" he says.

Good, we can distract him for a few hours. Jefferson nods as if he knew what I was thinking.


I jump onto the middle of the couch, coffee in hand. John sits on my right and Jefferson on my left. I feel like theyre hiding something but im not sure what.

We're about halfway through the third movie. I grab a handful of popcorn but drop it when I accidentally cut my hand.

"Ow..." I mutter.

"You ok?" John asks.

"Yeah im fine. Just uhh..."


"I-is it just me? Or did my cut just heal in a few seconds?"

He looks towards Jefferson who has a worried look.

"G-guys, tell me whats going on" I get off the couch.

Jefferson looks towards the window. "You should go to your room and rest"

"B-but-" i feel a sharp pain and lean against the wall.

"Ok Alex its going to be ok! Just relax"

"Relax?! I could be dying!" The pain gets worse.

"Alex calm down!"

"I am calm!-" everything goes black.


I watch as alex changed to their wolf form(basically looks like skelly[the werewolf] from the video). And might I add he looks kinda cute as a wolf. Sure i dislike him but come on, he doesnt look too threatening.

Im an idiot.

Im a freaking idiot.

"Alex?" I say.

He stares at me for a moment. Then he growls and bites my arm.

"OW! GET HIM OFF ME!!" I yell while trying not to get my arm ripped off.

"Hmhm i think he likes you" john laughs.

"Oh yeah, really mature. Can you call off your boyfriend?!"

"Hmm nah, it sounds like a you problem."

"John i swear if you dont help me!"

"Consider it karma" he says as he leaves.

Hhhh whyd it have to be werewolf. He could've been attacked by supernatural. But it had to be a werewolf.

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