Chapter 1

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound stopped as Gray retraced his hand. The alarm clock now was covered in ice. He knew his mother Ur was going to kill him. This was the third new alarm clock this month. He tried his best to not destroy them. But then again, he couldn't resist the temptation to shut the stupid beeping sound up. He didn't want to be disturbed from his precious beauty sleep.

Then he felt a tug on his leg and he tried to pull his leg away. He didn't pull hard enough because he was still half asleep. He slowly turned his head and tried to see who it was and squinted in the darkness.
People say that the devil has a human form. Well if the devil had a wife it would be what he was looking at now.

Ur. His own mother.

She pulled his leg with a strong tug and Gray flew out of the bed and crashed in to his wall leaving a dent. Didn't his mother know any mercy. Even to her own kid.

"What the hell do you think you're doing. First you ruin your alarm clock and think you can just sleep. And second, did you forget Baka. Today is your first day of school at fairytail high. I'm giving you 10 minutes to get ready. If you're not ready by then. You can leave the house hungry" She shouted at Gray. She always scolded him and he knew that threat was no joke.

Gray rushed to bathroom and quickly brushed his teeth and did a quick shower. He then ran back into his room and pulled on some black jeans, a blue shirt and a dark blue hoody. He then sprinted down stairs and into the kitchen and saw Ur had already set out his breakfast. Scrambled eggs and sausages. Wow. He never ate something so fancy. In his opinion it was fancy because normally he ate soggy cereal or something like that.

He saw his mother grinning.

"My, my. Your two minutes late. After all I made for you couldn't you at least be in time" She said rolling her eyes. But Gray wasn't listening because he was stuffing his face with the delicious food. He remembered that his mum used to cook all the time. She was the best cook in his eyes

Before his dad died.

That's when it all changed.

Gray shook his head as he finished the food. No point dwelling in the past. He got up and grabbed his bag and gave his mother a quick peck on the cheek and rushed out if he house before she could say any more.

Gray already knew the way to his new school and of all things he never wanted his mother to take him even after she offered. In the town of magnolia. And the rest of he world: she was called the ice demon stripper. Yeah. She had a bad habit of stripping. Her ice magic was top notch. But quite frightening.

Gray turned one more corner and saw the colossal school. Wow. It's beyond what I expected Gray thought. It looked like a castle with a modern twist to it. As Gray walked in through the front door the doors seemed to slide open. Like the ones the have in those big fancy building were all the rich people work.

Then he remembered fairytail high was a special school for special mages. Normal wizards would go to normal school. But people with dangerous magic or uncontrollable magic would go to this school because it would help the become better mages and also help them control their powers better.

Gray walked in the front door and made his way to the office. He already knew where that was form when he last went there to meet the principal. What was his name again. Oh yeah Makarov, Gray thought. Get then knocked on the office door and heard a muffled response and he guessed that he was allowed to come in.

He walked in to the office and saw the short old man sitting in the expensive looking leather chair.

"Why hello there Gray. Good to see you again." He said

"Oh hey again old man" Gray responded.

"Well then Gray I'll take you to your classroom. Follow me" The old man stood up and walked out of the classroom. He barely reached Grays waist. Gray followed the old man. They walked till the short old man stopped and told him to go in there. Gray opened the door to the classroom and the old man shuffled back to his office.

Gray saw a bunch of different looking kids. And they all had mean looks on their faces. They all seemed to be judging him already. At the front of the classroom stood a tall graceful women. She had long red hair and a crazy look in her eyes. She had a long red satin dress. She walked up to Gray and stuck out her hand and Gray shook it.

"Ohayo. My name is Miss Flare. You must be our new student Gray. It's a pleasure to be of your acquaintance" She said, her voice was quite nice to listen. Gray thought he wouldn't mind listening to her at home room every day. He was a teenaged guy, he had the right to think these thoughts.

"Hello. Nice to meet you."

"Well then Gray. Wait a minute." She turned Her head and her hair seemed to grow longer and longer and Gray sweat dropped. "All of you shut up." She screamed and all eyes were on her now. She then retuned to her old sweet self and smiled at Gray. "Everyone this is Gray. He is a new student and shall be joining our class. I want everyone to be friendly with Gray." She said all too sweetly. No one responded. "Do you understand." She had a twisted smirk in her face and everyone in the classroom nodded their head vigorously.


Gray heard a big crash right behind him. But before he could turn around he felt like he was falling. Then he was flat on his face.

He looked up and someone was standing on top of him.

"Hey guys. I missed all of you. Hows your holiday been." He bellowed. Gray guessed that he didn't know that he was under him. Man what an idiot, Gray thought. He stood up and crawled out between the boys legs.

"Oi. Do you mind?" Gray said scowling. He looked at the boy and saw he had bright pink hair. Which was odd. He noticed that he had honey brown eyes. He had a scarf wrapped around his neck. He wore a yellow t shirt and white shorts.

"Oh sorry. Didn't see you there." How the hell didn't he see him Gray thought. "I'm Natsu." Something about him seemed very familiar.

"I'm Gray"

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