Chapter 3

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Gray decided even though he felt like he knew Natsu. He hated him.


He was annoying. And self centred. And arrogant. And rude. How dare he call him Popsicle or ice princess. Just because his family were mostly ice mages except Erza.

The last two periods of the day were for magic training. On Mondays it was to see how well he could control his magic. He was with Sting since Sting was a powerful Mage. A dragon slayer to be precise. Also Natsu was in the class with him and Rogue too.

The magic teacher. Mr Macoa Conbolt was really nice and he explained what he had to do. He had chose pairs. Sting was with Rogue so he couldn't be with him. But he kinda felt happy for him. He suspected that Sting had a crush. Unfortunately Gray was with Natsu

The aim of the task was to see if you could sinc your magic. But Of course since Natsu was a fire dragon slayer and he was an ice Mage. This wasn't going to work out. Their magic was complete opposite. And Natsu wasn't even trying to work together he didn't even want to touch Gray. So all of the last two periods they fought and argued and fought and argued and cussed each other lots.


Dick head

Ice princess

Flame brain


And so on..

* I really couldn't think of any more cusses. Like I wanted to put more. *

As the two periods ended and the classroom was left half burnt and half in ice. Gray grabbed his bag and dragged him self home.

He walked in the house and saw his mother Ur. She asked him how his day was and if he made any friends. He nodded his head and through himself in the couch just as Lyon came in with Juvia.

"Hello Gray. Heard you had a fight with Natsu in Mr Conbolts class" Juvia said smirking.

"He did what!!!" He heard his mother shout.

Gray rushed to his room as his mother shook her head' what can you do ' she muttered 'what can you do '. She had a small smile plastered in her lips.

Gray was an otaku. A game otaku. He got out his PS4 and played Assassins Creed 4. He wanted to beat the game. He sat there for hours playing his new game and finally it was dinner time and his mother called him down. He remembered that Erza would be with Jellal at kick boxing. His mother invited Juvia to stay for dinner with them. His mother made home made Italian lasagne. Lasagne is life. Love it so much. Wow. He knew guest were an exception to his mother and she'd cook food for them. He loved every bit of the lasagne. And after he finished he rushed back upstairs and played it the remainder of the night. He was awake till 2am till Erza kicked the door open and told him to go sleep. He brushed his teeth and jumped in to bed and was out by the time his head reached the pillow

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