LoLu (probably*^*)

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*Just another ship*

"Lucy. Wait. Please." I turned around and saw he had tears in his eyes.

"What Loke" I said sternly. I didn't even know why he was here talking to me.

"I'm sorry about everything. If you want I'll ask dad to put off our engagement?" He said smiling sadly. His eyes seemed shattered like asking is father was the last thing he wanted to do.

"Loke. Why do you even care? I thought you hated me"

"I don't hate you. I love you." He mumbled. My eyes widened.


"I know. I know. You hate me right? And I'm sorry our parents are forcing us to marry each other for status. Just cuz were rich doesn't mean we can choose who we wish to be with. But I was lucky cuz I got to be with the one I loved more than anything. But I don't want her to be forced to marry me. I don't want her to be miserable." Tears kept streaming down his face. He tried to wipe them away but they kept coming. "I'm so sorry Lucy." But I was already running. I left him there. He was on his knees crying his eyes out. I left him there that day. Three years ago. I wish I told him that day. I loved him too. But I was too scared.

I sat down in my seat I'm Maths and started messing round with Juvia. We both hated it, so we hardly ever payed attention.

"Lucy. Ya know? I can find you another guy." Juvia said cheekily. She knew about my crush on Loke. But I still hadn't told her about what happened that day or the fact that we were engaged.

"Okay. But make sure he's hot" I replied winking at her.

I wasn't completely over him. But maybe another guy would put him of my mind.

But no matter what happened.

I was still engaged to Loke. And even after him asking out parents to put it off they refused. But I was glad. Maybe one day. I'll tell him. I loved him all along.

(Yeah. Lucy is this rich chick and so is Loke. This was totally cliché right?)

i could never forget; gratsuWhere stories live. Discover now