Another stingue chapter

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*we all love stingue right ;). Short chapter**

No ones POV

Sting tip toed behind rogue. I've always wanted to do this. He thought. He slowly wrapped his arms around Rogue.(I'm dying. I felt so happy writing this). Rogue turned around

"What the... Who the hell? Sting. What are you doing." He exclaimed

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He said seductively in Rogues ear. Rogues blush deepened." What am I turning you on." He whispered. Rogue softly pushed Sting away just enough so he'd let go. "Awww. Rogue. I thought you'd want more." He said pouting slightly. Rogue blushed even more. If that was even possible. His eyes averted to the ground.

"Sting. Whatcha doing?" Asked Gajeel with wide eyes.

"Yeah. We'd all want to know that?" Asked Erza raising an eyebrow.

"Do you guys wanna get a room or something." Lucy said winking.

Yeah. Sting was 'molesting' Rogue in front of all his friends at the canteen. Sting didn't care. He smiled from ear to ear like an idiot.

"Haha. Did I do something wrong? You guys do it to people all the time." He said. He sounded innocent.

"Errr...Well Sting" Lucy stared to say

"Oh I get it. It's cuz I'm a guy. Doing it to another guy." He laughed.

"No Sting it's not that. It's just that... err....." Lisanna said frantically.

"It's cuz we didn't know you guys were dating." Mirajane saved them. Rogues jaw dropped to the floor.

"No. No. We're not!!!" Rogue shouted waving his hands in front of him. Sting threw his arm around Rogues shoulder and leaned in.

"But I do love ya. If you want we can be dating." He said all too happily. He was still smiling like an idiot. And with that he walked of. Leaving everyone to wonder. What the hell

Gray walked over

"Hey guys. What happened?" he asked after seeing Rogue blushing. All the girls fantasying about something. They all seemed to be giggling. Gajeel and Elfman seemed a little sick.

"Seriously. What happened?"

i could never forget; gratsuWhere stories live. Discover now