Chapter 4

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Nastu rolled over and saw the time; 7:00. He lay on his back and stared at the ceiling.

'I wonder what Dad cooked for breakfast. I hope it's eggs or even better meat'. Natsu smiled to himself as he slowly got up and got ready for school. He brushed his teeth and walked down stairs. He imagined what Igneel could be cooking. As he walked in to he kitchen he saw no one was in there and he sighed. Of course Dad wasn't cooking food today.'

Nastu grabbed a bowl and poured milk in and cereal as he sat himself down at the small table in the middle if the kitchen. There was a chair in front of him. It wasn't like the stool he was sitting in now it was an old leather chair. Yeah I know your all wondering why a chair that big was in the kitchen. Well it's because Igneel liked it that way. When finished his breakfast he washed the dish up because he knew he would get scolded if he didn't. Igneel liked his house clean.

He quickly went in his laptop to see if there was anything new on Facebook; fights, gossip etc. Nothing. Oh wells he thought. He walked upstairs and into his room.

He chose to wear grey jeans and a red t shirt that had dragon printed onto it and some grey converses.

Today was a cold day and was quite windy.


"Natsu. Natsu. Come back here. It's freezing outside. Wear a jacket." Igneel said scolding the pink haired boy grabbing his hand and pulling him back into the house.

"I don't wanna"moaned a seven year old Natsu.

"Now now Natsu. Your a fire wizard. And fire mages get cold quickly. You have to reserve your heat supply or else it'll be harder to do magic. Do you want to lose to other mages? No you don't. " Igneel said softly as Natsu shook his head. Igneel grabbed a coat and pulled it over Natsus body. Then he grabbed his own scarf and wrapped it around Natsus neck.

"Now listen here Natsu. That's my favourite scarf. It's very important to me. I don't want anything happening to it. Im trusting you with it. It's yours now so be careful with it" Igneel said but Natsu wasn't listening he was stroking the soft scarf on his face and he had a big grin on his face. Igneel smiled at his son.

Yep can't forget. It's cold out Natsu thought. He grabbed his coat and his scarf and some gloves. He remembered what his dad said to him. Anyways he didn't want to lose power and lose to anyone today. He grabbed his bag and stuffed his homework and school books in.

He opened the door and stood there and turned back into the house.

"Bye dad" Natsu shouted towards the stairs. He then turned and closed the door behind him. As he walked to school he whispered " See ya later Dad. I hope to see you again some day." A tear escaped his eye then another then another. And he was crying but he couldn't control the tears. He wiped his tears away with his gloves.

When he was at school he stuffed his coat and gloves in his locker and kept the scarf on. As he stood behind the classroom door. He pulled out his normal fake smile that showed everyone he was fine and happy. No one would ever look behind the smile and look at the real me because they'd rather have the the fake happy me. They don't care about how I really am. That's why I have to pretend to be happy because they wouldn't really care. Fake sympathy. I've had enough of that in my life. They're not real friends. As if they could understand the pain I've been through. Natsu started tearing up again but he wiped it away with the side of his closed fist.

"As if anyone cares about me " he whispered. He barged into the classroom and smiled. Oh how it hurt to smile. I wonder when the last time my smile was real. When I was actually happy. When I had people I cared about and who cared about me.

What Natsu didn't realise was Gray was standing behind him and heard and saw everything

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