Chapter 33

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"Guys are you sure we should stay here?" Natsu asked nervously.
"Dude. Don't worry. It'll be fine." Gajeel reassured him, patting his back.
"Yeah. You got nothing to worry about." Lucy said smiling.
The whole group was spending the day at the beach. We lay out blankets and lay down.
"Man. The suns too hot." Lisanna moaned angrily.
"What are you going to do? Kill the sun?" Sting jokes sarcastically.
"Or sit underneath an umbrella!" She said slowly as though she was speaking to a child.
"You got told. Where's your manly-ness?" Elfman said smirking.
"He doesn't have any." Rogue said looking up from his book.
"True." Levi agreed not looking up from her book.
"Guys your so mean." Sting muttered.
"I'm going to look great tanned!" Juvia exclaimed. She lay back in nothing but a bikini and shades outside our umbrella.
"I already look great!" Erza said munching on her cake.
"No you don't." Lyon grinned at her and she then chased him around the beach.
"Have you guys ever feared your girlfriend?" Jellal asked, wide eyed and we all laughed at him.

For most of the day we sat there and talked, made sand castles and tanned. We occasionally went into the shallow part of the water but we then decided to take a few boats into the ocean.
"That's a stupid idea!" Nastu shouted.
"Yeah. I'm worried too." We both had our reasons for staying away from beaches.
"Come on." Gajeel grabbed us both and hauled us into the small dinghies. We split us so that there were four in each dinghy. In mine was Natsu, Sting and Mirajane.

We paddled into the ocean and my fear left me. It was fun. I saw dolphins and fish. In pretty sure there was a shark too. Which scared the crap out of us. However the sun was beating down on us and we were sweating badly now.

That's when it all went wrong. Out of no where a wave hit our boat and pushed us out, way into the ocean. We couldn't see the others and we started to worry.
"Guys. Guys!" Mirajane shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth.
"I doubt they can hear us." Sting whispered.
"I'm worried real bad now!" Natsu said.
"Let's try to paddle back." I suggested. We all paddled together trying to get somewhere when something hit the left side of the boat and Natsu flew out.
"Natsu!!" Mira screamed.
"Oh my god!" Sting was panicking badly now.

Before I could respond to anything the boat was hit again and I flew off. I vaguely recalled Sting and Mira screaming at the top of there lungs. I remembered what happened last time and I tried to freeze the right side of me. And I blacked out.

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