Chapter 20

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*I'm gonna try make this long for MissThunderKrystal. I said try, Kay*

Natsu POV

"Gray! Ow. Gray! Why are you pulling me? Please stop. GRAYYY!"I pulled my arm back. And looked him in the eye. "What do you want?"

"I don't feel anything towards you. I don't feel emotions towards anyone. So I don't really care that I beat you up kay!" He said. His face like always was a emotionless mask.

"Gee. I already knew that. Is that why you brought me here?" I was starting to get irritated with him.

"The carrousel. The merry-go-round. That day. You wanted to ride it. But you didn't." How does he remember. I thought he forgot.

"How do you.." I started to say but got cut of by Gray

"I went to the fair yesterday. I kept hearing voices and having flashbacks. It was that day we went to the fair right? Did you win me a prize? A teddy bear?" He looked really confused. Like he was trying to remember something but every time it was close to his grasp he missed it.

"Yeah. At wack-a-mole." I chucked nervously. So he remembers. That's great. Right?

"'I could never forget you'" That's what you said. I made you promise this but yet I forgot you myself" He whispered. He genuinely seemed sorry. Wait. Is this is an apology?

"It's not your fault. It's fine." I said careful to not say anything wrong. I didn't want to upset him.

"I'm not apologising ya know."

"I guessed that since this its you I'm talking to"

"Natsu. Why did I forget you? Why did I forget everything from my past? No matter what I do, I can't remember. I hate feeling so confused. But at the same time. If whatever happened to me was so bad. Shouldn't I be glad that I forgot?" A single tear snaked down his face. His eyes were watery and when he looked up and I saw his face; all I felt was guilt. How could I let Gray cry. I promised myself when I was little I wouldn't ever let him cry again because i'd make him happy.

"Gray.... I" But like always me cut me off.

"Shut up. Don't ever tell anyone I cried kay." He shoved past me wiping his tears.

Ms Flare turned round the corner walking towards the homeroom class. When she saw Natsu Dragneel collapse on the floor.

I remember seeing blue and red flashing lights. I vaguely heard a siren in the background. I could audibly hear people shouting around me. I felt numb. I felt cold. And even in all the pain all I could think off was Gray.

I was going to heal him. That's now my life's goal. Since I got nothing else. First I was going to make him hate me. Making him hate me was gonna be easier than making him like me. I was gonna make him my rival. He had to feel something towards me. Even if it was hate. He said he couldn't feel emotions. But hate is. Haha.

I was discharged from the hospital three days later. Apparently that beating I got was kinda bad. I broke a few bones and I was literally spitting out blood since my organs were damaged. I had a few scars but other than that I was fine.

*fast forward. Like a lot. Since Natsu went to school round lunch time. Yeah I know. He's late. But he just got out of hospital. Give him a break*

I slammed open the door of canteen. Gray was walking to his seat before he turned around to see who caused the door to fly to the other side of the mess hall. He looked over and saw me with an insane look in my eyes. He saw me looking at him and he gave me his death glare but I wasn't backing down.

"Wanna fight? YA STUPID STRIPPER!!" I shouted.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He stared to turn around and walk away

"I'm all fired up!" Man. I haven't said that in long time.

I started running towards him and he turned around quicker than I thought

"Ice make sword"

"Fire dragon roar"

"Ice make lance"

"Fire dragon claw"

"Ice make shield"

"Crimson lotus:Fire dragons fist"

"Ice demons rage"

"Iron fist of the Flame dragon"

"Long sword of the demon zero"

(Some of these moves are from latest chapters. Sorry for spoilers)

What was left of the canteen was... Well Ice and crisp. Either it was burned or crisped. Neither Natsu nor Gray won that fight. They both laid on the floor, sweating and panting. Of course they were sent to the principals office. Since they destroyed the canteen. Professor Makarov wasn't pleased. They got detention everyday for a month. Comparing Grays punishment with Natsu was nothing. Gray got it worse. His mother was going to kill him. Literally.

At home. After Ur was done planning out how she was going to kill Gray. She sat and wondered why the boy that came here a few weeks ago seemed so familiar. The principal told her it was that boy who Gray got in trouble with. She then got up and ran upstairs. She got the suitcase were she hid all the pictures with Gray in. Where all Grays work. His cute little drawings. Basically everything form his childhood memories. She didn't know why she kept it. She was supposed to throw it away. But she didn't. She looked through the pics and found it. One with Gray and a pink haired boy. The one she probably hurt.

'I remember you. I remember you Natsu. And I'm so sorry'

*I hope that was long MissThunderKrystal*

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