Chapter 16

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**** how's life guys. I just died reading a stingue!!!! Stingue AU fiore high .Man. Too much. Sting!!! Whyyyyyyy. I don't think I should be writing about someone elses fanfic in my own. It's called free advertising. And melting Gray. It's also amazing. I'm still crying over it. Who cares its amazing read it. You'll die. All then endings tho. Anyways I seriously have nothing to write about right now so I'll improvise.

Gray POV

So he's like me. He finally understands true pain. He's gone through a lot. But I'd never of thought he'd give in to the darkness. I thought he was better than that. I thought he had a dream. What pain did he suffer? Who hurt him?

Wait what? I say that like I care about who hurt him. When did I ever care about someone this much? Maybe its because I supposedly knew him in the past but I don't even remember him.

I looked over at the others and no one still seemed to make a sound. Everyone just stared at Lucy and Gaieel as there mouths were hanging. The first to break the silence was Loke. He and the rest of his gang started laughing. I'm pretty sure they were exaggerating when some were rolling on the floor laughing ( ;) ROFL )

"What a bunch of losers. To get cussed by that freak. Wow. You guys seriously have lost it haven't you." Loke shouted at them from the other side of the canteen.

" SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP!!!" Gajeel shouted however he paused at each word as though he was threatening to kill them.

"Urgh. Who cares what that freak says. And Loke you better shut your mouth before I come there and bitch slap you, ya little cunt ( oh yeah. Lucy went there )" she screamed. Her fist were balled and her eyes seemed to be popping out of her head.

I walked out of the canteen and saw Natsu. He was eating on the floor. He seemed pretty chill for a guy that just finally figured out he was being used.

"Hey" I said casually walking up to him.

"Why are you faking it with me??" He asked sternly. Wow. This kid sure got problems now.

"Is it so wrong to say 'hey'?" I asked cautiously.

"YES IT IS. Now do you mind please fucking the hell off!" He stared at me and I started to laugh.

"Dude. I'm not like them you know. I didn't fake it. I genuinely don't like you." Was that to rude I wondered. Wait why do I care?

"Then why the hell did you invite me to your house?" He asked. For a second I thought I saw a flash of emotion on his face. Was it sadness? Or regret? I don't know. I don't really feel those emotions anymore.

"Cuz." I walked of thinking did I really need a reason? But when I invited him, I felt somewhat protective over him. I wanted to warn him of what the others might do.

** I feel so loved. 2K point something reads. Awe thanks. ** go on this is you love makoto.

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