Chapter 17

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Natsu POV

I adjusted my hipster glasses so they didn't fall of my face. I was copying the notes the teaches asked for the class to copy. I was aware that everyone in my class was talking about me behind my back. Some were really retarded and did it front of my face. I knew Lucy was giving me dirty looks from the back of the classroom. When the bell rang, everyone got ready to leave. They packed up there stuff however as I was packing my stuff away. Gajeel who was passing threw all my books on the floor and walked over them. Geez. Is he stupid? I didn't care though. I picked up my stuff and left.

* fast forward. End of day *

I walked out of the school gate. I saw Lucy, Gajeel, Elfman, And for some reason Laxus, Cobra and Laxus. Also Erza ,Jellal, Lyon and Juvia. They hardly ever came. But it seemed all the popular people were all in one place. Even the rest of the other people from each group. And like nearly the rest of the school just hung around the outskirts, watching from a distance.

"Oh. Look who it is? It's the bastard who thinks he's all that. Well let's teach the little pyromaniac idiot a lesson, shall we?" Cobra shouted. Everyone started shouting and cat calling me. Wtf. Was I supposed to do? I just walked past. When I was punched in the face. I fell back, dropping all my books and landing on my back. My glasses flew off and I couldn't see a thing. Someone grabbed my collar and pulled me up. They stared punching me and kicking me. I tried. Yes I tried to fight back. But I couldn't aim properly since I couldn't see. I spewed out fire in the general direction of the punches. I could vaguely outline it to be a male figure. Then another came in. They also started beating me up. I couldn't take it anymore. I curled up in a ball and let them do what they had to do. After they were done everyone walked off. I was left there to bleed to death. Okay maybe I was exaggerating. But I probably did break bones and harm some organs and heck yeah I was bleeding. I sat up and started crawling on the ground trying to feel for my glasses. When i finally found them I looked at the silhouettes of the two who had left me. I knew Gajeel was the second one who came to beat me up because I already knew how he punched. But the first person who came and beat me up. Well. I saw it was Gray.

*two updates in one day. Yay. Go me!!!*

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