Not an update

1K 40 47

The end is close by the way guys. The gratsu shall finish soon. Then I'm going to fix the stingue part. Cuz I've left that out. And maybe fraxus. So far I have no inspiration and have no idea what to write so feel free to comment ideas. Cuz I'm brain dead right now. The zombies ate it on Halloween. But don't worry I still have Punk Hazard and there's Gratsu there so you'll be satisfied. I know it's sad that I'm ending this soon but I'm sooooo happy that my first story got 11K. Like I was jumping up and down happy. So thank you all for reading. Wait shouldn't I be saying this at the end. I haven't even finished. XD. Also if you want more gratsu I'm making a oneshots book of yaoi. You can even ask for the most random yaoi ships ever. I don't mind.

That's all I need to say and one more thing.

Long live Gratsu

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