Chapter 19

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Natsu POV

I kept rolling over. Twisting and turning. No matter what I did. I couldn't sleep. I was obviously injured badly. But I didn't care about what happened to my body. I've never cared about myself, since then. Maybe I should go hospital. Nah. Can't be bothered. Even if I die from these injuries. I don't care. I'll be glad. I'll see mom again. I pretty sure no ones gonna give a crap about me dying.

Wow. I'm going way over the top. I doubt I'll die.

Finally after hours of turning I finally got some sleep

*time-skip. School. Homeroom*

A dark ominous aura surrounded the classroom. Red hair was draping from the walls like cobwebs. Everyone had fear written on their face. Ms Flare was talking however she was rudely interrupted. So now cuz of Sting, she was threatening to kill us with her hair. Sting stood up abruptly and bowed down.

"Gomenasai!"His voice was practically a octave higher that usual. Rogue seemed to be smirking. But I knew that look, is what a ' Haha. I told you to shut up. Next time listen to me. Baka '. Yeah, he's given him that look loads of times. I totally shipped it. Stingue.

Gray POV

I had bags under my eyes. I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night. All I did was think about what happened in the fair. Who was that? I'm pretty sure I had strong emotions for them. I even asked my evil sister Erza for advice. But it was kinda lame

'Your in love. Now get out of my room.' Yeah. She said that. However I'm pretty sure she had an evil smirk on her face when I was closing the door.

Maybe it was Natsu. Yeah. He said he knew me. Maybe it was him. That'll explain why I felt guilt yesterday.

What was it that he said. 'I could never forget you.' But I forgot him. I made him promise not to forget yet I forgot myself. Wow. That's low. But it might not even be him. It has to be. I stood up and everyone looked at me. I then walked over to Natsu. I heard some murmurs about there being another fight. I grabbed his arm and pulled him out the homeroom. Luckily Ms Flare was out the classroom to get some papers. When we were far from the classroom. I turned around.

"Were you serious when you said you loved me?'

* Nice ending, Right?? I updated for all the people who read this so thanks. Love you :) *

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