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Lucy POV

"It hurts so bad" Natsu moaned as he sat down on the lunch table next to me.

"What does? Did you have sex with Gray? It it because you took his virginity?" I asked. I'm pretty sure I was having a nosebleed.

"No." Natsu and Gray said flatly.

"Aweeee" All the girls moaned sadly in unison.

"You guys are sick in the head." He shouted at them." No it's cuz we were playing dodgeball on the opposite team as Gajeel, Gray, Sting and Rogue and they all victimised me and all and only aimed at me."

"And we won!" Sting said triumphantly.

"Only cuz you all ganged up on me." Natsu argued back

"That's your excuse? You could of came up with a better one." Rogue scoffed.

"Just admit were better!" Gray said smirking.

"Natsu. Just admit your defeat like a man!" Bellowed Elfman. I laughed. Typical Elfman.

"Lucy. So hows your day so far?" Juvia asked me as she sat down with Lyon.

"Great. How about you?" I said whilst munching on pasta.

"Horrible. So far I got three detentions cuz of Gajeel and Natsu." She said laughing.

"THREE! How long?"

"All three hours each." She said grinning.

"I'm dating a monster." Lyon muttered. He earned a whack on the head for that one.

As I walked to class after lunch, I saw Loke. I planned on just walking straight past him not even giving him a glance. But he grabbed my arm.

"Did you hear?" He asked looking around to see if there was anyone around the empty hallway.

"Yes I heard. It's going to be when were 18. So why are you worrying already." I was trying to act like I didn't care but it was really hard.

"I'm going to ask you a serious question now." He said solemnly. "Do you want to marry me?"

"Only if you do." I whispered.

"Yes. I. Do. " He muttered his eyes widening. "Mrs Lucy Heartfilia would you do me the honour of joining me for dinner." He said bowing slightly, holding out his arm.

"Why yes Loke. I'd be glad to accompany you." I said as I took his arm.

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