Chapter 13

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***Basically. I got this really cliche idea from this really cliché movie. I forgot the name of the movie. But it's really crap. Like it took away minutes of my life that I can never get back. :(.**

Gray POV

When last period was over I walked over to Natsus class.

"Oh hey Gray." He said.

"So are ya ready?" I said casually. I tried to look cool but in the inside I felt so guilty. He trusted me and I probably was going to hurt him.

"Sure lets go!" He said. He smiled brightly and that made me feel even worse. Normally I don't feel what you humans call guilt. I don't feel it. YOLO. Is what I used to say. I did loads of bad things but I couldn't care less if I hurt people or made them feel upset. They were wasting time and energy getting upset. That is why I don't hold grudges or make regrets but man I was regretting this.

We walked out if the school gate and made are way to my house. It wasn't a long journey. But it was awkward. Well for me since I made it awkward. He tried to make small talk. But he failed since I only answered in yes or no. Yeah. I should of been a bit more open. But it felt weird.

When we were at my house I opened the door and kicked my shoes off.

"Mooommmmm. I'm home!!" I shouted. "I brought a friend!"

"Ohhh. That's nice. Luckily I made food today." That's weird. Normally she doesn't make food and we have to make it ourselves.

"Hey. Natsu. Come on. Will go to my room." I said grinning.

Natsu POV.

Gray just asked me to go to his room. Meaning we will be in the same room. Alone. (Yes nastu is having a fangirl moment like I am right now). Could this be it. I could finally spend time with my Gray.

We walked up the stairs to his room. Now I'm a neat freak and Grays room was my hell. There was pizza boxes and crips packets thrown all over the floor. Dirty piles of cloths everywhere. His bed was a mess. His table. Well his books and pens and papers were scattered. The only clean spot was in front of his TV. Were his controllers and games were nearly stacked and ordered. I sweat dropped at the sight of that being the only neat spot. -_- .

"Yeah. I know. It's kinda messy" Gray said rubbings the back of his head. He smiled sheepishly. 'Kinda'. Yeah right

"Gray?" I said with a straight face. Gray turned to look at my serious expression. "This place looks like shit." I said calmly. Grays face fell. But before he could say anything. I started to clean up. I through all the rubbish in the bin. Tidied up the books and papers. Did his bed. And the whole time he just stood there and watched With his mouth hanging. When I finished looking proud of my work, I looked at him

"Natsu. Are you gay?"

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