Chapter 15

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Gray POV

Why do I feel this way? I feel so cold. So alone. Why can't I trust someone with my heart? Why do I want to hold someone and to trust them? Why do I yearn for someone's love? Someone I can't just let it all out on. I can't though. I cant even trust my own family for goodness sake. I feel so disgusting. Why do I even carry on living? Why am I alive? Why was I born? ** (In memory of Portgas .D. Ace * wipes away tears*)**

"Gray? Gray!!! Wake up " Lucy screamed in his ear. "It's lunch time already."

"Urgh. What. Mom. I'm awake. Wait! What?" Gray mumbled rubbing his fist on his eyes.

"Come on dude. It's lunch" Gajeel said smirking. Gray packed away his stuff and left English to the canteen. There he followed Lucy and Gajeel to there seats. He plopped down and started stuffing his face with pasta. Basically let me explain. The school had plates and cups that magically filled themselves with what ever food it drink you wanted.( idea from percy Jackson) This was done so there wouldn't be a long line and fights. There where fights for anything at this school.

That's when Natsu walked into the canteen. Gajeel saw him and his eyes lit up. He stood up on his chair and well. Shit happened.

" ATTENTION. ATTENTION. GUYS! ALL OF YOU BE QUIET! NOW!"Gajeel shouted. Everyone silenced and Lucy joined him standing on her chair.

" Guys. You have to listen to this crap. Okay. It's stupid." Lucy said. Her eyes had an evil glint in them.

Gajeel cleared his throat and bought out 'the letter'!!!

" Dear Mum and Dad

I finally made friends. Just like you said mummy. They're all so nice. They make me do their homeworks and carry their books and bag and other tasks like that. "A few people snickered. But Gajeel carried on. Gajeel was mimicking a girly voice and curling his hair on his finger, which made it funnier.

"Dad do you remember Gray. Well he goes to my school.

I think I love him. But he acts distant. I'm gonna be nice to him. So then I can spend time with him. I don't care if he doesn't love me back. Just as long as I can spend time with him. As long as I can be with him. I don't care. I feel happy now. Not like before. Having Friends is nice.

From Natsu.

PS: I love you guys.

That's when the whole canteen burst out laughing. They started making statements about how desperate Natsu was and how he was stupid and how he'd never have a chance with Gray. Natsu stood there tears streaming his face and he dropped his plate and ran off crying.

'I told you so' Was all Gray could think off.


Nastu POV

I rushed out of the canteen. Why? Why? I feel so hurt right now. But the pain is worse than how it was before. It's a thousand times worse. I feel pathetic. I feel like shit. I just wanna die. Why do I even carry on living? Why am I alive? Why was I born? ( I purposely did that ^*^)

I had to. For Igneels sake. I had to see him again. But Gray. His expression was exactly like it was that day. It was a though he was telling me 'I told ya so'. And he was right. Why did I trust them. Maybe I was desperate. I just yearned for someone to cry on. Someone I could let it all out on. But I was a fool. I shouldn't of trusted them.

I didn't have the capability to trust someone anymore. I smiled. I then chuckled.

Wow. So this is what Gray has been feeling. I felt so empty. My will to live was so small.

I stood up and walked back into the canteen. I had a smirk on my face.

"Oi look. The little shit came back" Gajeel shouted. Everyone burst out laughing. But my eyes where empty and I had a cold expression on my face. I slowly walked up to him.

" I'm not the little shit. You are. You think making me feel like this makes you better than me. Superior. But guess what. Your guys are the only shit in this world. Your pathetic. So go suck in your mums tities and cry to her if you want. Or maybe you could go to a brothel and pay for a prostitute to take your virginity. But I doubt even they are desperate enough to have sex with you even if you pay them the whole worlds money. And Lucy. Your a freaking slut. Go die. People like you are a waste of space in this world. Even your mother regrets having you." And with that I turned my heel and casually walked off. I left them all with there mouth hanging. All except Gray. He had the same expression.

As I walked out of the school. Yes I was ditching the rest of the day. I thought about how I used to be. Back when I was happy. Back when I felt joy. My dream of having friends was long dead now. Friends. My definition was people who used you to gain something for themselves. People who used you to make themselves look better. People who used you to waste time. And used you as entertainment.

I feel so cold. So alone. ( I also did that purposely)

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