Chapter 14

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**OMFG. I got 1K reads. I feel so loved. Anyways this chapter is going to be emotional ;)**

Natsu POV.



How the fuck was I supposed to respond to that. I've never been asked that in my life. I've always like girls. Well except Gray. But I thought that was just a phase, since I was so young.

"Erm... Gray ... Your the first person to ever ask me that. And I've always liked girls. Well except..." Natsu blurted out but was immediacy cut of by Gray.

"Except me right?" He asked with a questioning look on his face. Natsus bangs covered his eyes.

"Yeah. Except you. But that was a looonnggg time ago. I was young and impressionable. I was stupid. And anyways, you don't even remember right" He muttered.

"Yeah. Your right!" Gray said. His voice was raised a bit so Natsu looked up quickly to see Grays expression. His dark blue eyes that normally where dazzling where now obsidian. They were cold and unwelcoming. His face was blank and he had no trace of emotion on them.

"Yeah. I don't remember. I don't remember what life was like back then. And I'm glad. All my life all I've been trying to do was forget everyone I cared about. Everything I've ever done. Every accomplishment. Everyone I've ever hated. All my dreams and wishes. This town. Everyone I loved. What's the point of that. One day it'll all be for nothing. If you love someone there not gonna stay forever. They'll leave. They'll break there promise. I literally can't love anyone. Cuz I don't have it in me to trust someone like that. I just can't. It's impossible and I'm glad. Cuz I don't wanna know what a heartbreak feels like. Cuz once you trust someone. They'll betray you and use you. I don't care about this world anyways. This world was made for my entertainment. So I can enjoy seeing other people suffer. They're fools. Your a fool. For loving and trusting people. Like your so called friends. Dude. Just you wait. They'll hurt you. So bad. That I know that once there done. You'll be like me. A shell. With no heart.

"Gray..."Natsu started to say.

"I think you should leave." Natsu picked up his belonging and ran out of the house.

Grays heart is broken. No. Shattered. Worse that me. I'll help him. I'll heal him. I'll save him again. But what could of hurt him so bad that he's like that.

** HAHAHAHA. DID THAT HURT YOU? DID YOU CRY. CUZ I DID :'( too sad man! Sorry for not updating so long**

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