Guess who??

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* basically guess which ship this is. Cuz you won't be able to. People who guess correctly are awesome. People who fail need to reread this story. Just write who you think it is In the comments section*

"Heyyyyyyy!!!!" Wait, was he/she trying to be seductive cuz it totally worked."So wanna make out."

"Urmmm. No thanks." I was blushing furiously. What the hell was I supposed to do? Yeah I wanted to kiss him/her but not like this. I thought it'd be more romantic. Wait. Why does he/she even wanna kiss me? Were just friends. Well he's/she's obviously joking.

"Your kidding right?" I asked cautiously.

"Well duh. I wouldn't kiss you." My heart fell when he/she said that. I felt like crying.

Gray POV

I was sitting in the classroom wondering what the hell was going on. Since Lyon was here.

"Miss Flare. I'm sorry to interrupt your Homeroom class but can I speak to my brother."

"No" She said flatly.

"Miss this is a family issue." His eyes seemed to be pleading her secretly.

"No. Unless you wanna tell the whole class this problem. Get the hell out Lyon!" Lyons nostrils flared and his eyes widened.

"Fine." He said stiffly. " Gray. Mums made apple pie." And with that he left. What the hell?

"You idiot. He said he was sorry" Natsu said rolling his eyes.

"What kind of sorry was that."

"Well you made it up!" Nastu said.

*stupidest chapter I've ever written XD*

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