Chapter 8

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**This chapter is about what happens in the party**

Natsu POV

I walked into the party. Yay. I'm so was excited. (I hope all of you detected the sarcasm)

I wore a t-shirt and some jeans. And some converses. I didn't bother with wearing anything nice or even buying clothes. I had my contacts on. As I if I'd tell anyone I wore glasses. They'd all probably laugh

He hated all these people. What were they to him. They were just people to entertain him in this phase of his life. They were nothing to him because he was nothing them. They were just pawns in his life. And no one would be his king to protect and to love.

I walked in with an expressionless face.

"Natsuuuuu!!". I quickly pulled a fake smile.

"Lisanna. Lucy. Hey. What's up guys."

"Hey you seem back to your old self. We thought you changed. You seemed so gloomy." Lucy replied. Wow. So they did notice and they avoided me because I was acting different. What great friends. Oh wait. They weren't.

"Wanna hang out with us." Lisanna said jumping up and down. I wonder if she's drunk.

The rest of the party I remembered getting drunk. That's all since I was drunk I didn't remember the details.

Gray POV: third person

There was a crowd. Gray walked over to see what was the commotion. He saw everyone in a ring. He wondered if there was a fight.

"So. So what. I had sex with my stepmom." He heard someone shout. It seemed loads of people were taking videos." Yeah. I ain't a virgin. So what. Me and my mum has loads of fun."

"Natsu. Ew gross". Loads of people stared to shout. Gray made his way to the front of the circle and stood next to Lucy. He asked what's going on and there seemed to be a fight. Natsu against Loke, Cobra and Laxus' group.

"Natsu your a freak." Loke said smirking.

"Oh well tell that to Lucy. She seems to have a crush on you." Lucy and Loke both spat out the alcohol they were drinking at the same time.

"WHAATTT!!!!" Loke and Lucy screamed in unison. Lucy started to blush. But Loke looked disgusted. Lucy saw the reaction and ran off. For a second Gray thought he saw sadness and regret in his eyes. But he quickly regained himself.

"So what. Who doesn't love me." Loke remarked back. Wow isn't he a air head Gray thought.

"Oh and did you guys know That Elfman and *hic* Evergreen are like secretly dating." Natsu said laughing.

Elfman and Evergreen who stood opposite each other had wide eyes and both started at each other before stuttering and blushing about how they weren't.

"GAJEEL IS A VIRGIN." Natsu screamed. He raised his cup like he was toasting or something. Gajeel sweat dropped and all the girls cooed about how cute that was. Levi also blushed patting him in the shoulder trying to cheer him up. For some reason no one attacked Natsu. Probably because he was drunk and would probably hurt them bad. Since he didn't know what he was doing.

"Sting has a crush *hic* on Rogue." Everyone stood there silent.

"We all knew that. The only idiot who doesn't is Rogue!" Cobra shouted. He was right though. Everyone knew except Rogue.


"WHAATT!!" Everyone screamed back. But before anyone could say anything.

"Oh and Grays my childhood crush. HAHAHAHA." He said laughing. Everyone turned there eyes on Gray.

What! Was all Gray could think of.

"Natsu your here by removed from our group. Your disgusting and idiot. So get lost you freak." Gajeel said calmly but the evil glint in his eyes and the twisted smirk on his face showed that he was really pissed of.

Natsu walked of laughing his head of. He walked out of Jellals party and started singing on his way home. He fell on his bed and fell asleep.

*evilly laughs. Haha. How did you like that.*

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