Chapter 31

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"Look I'm sorry okay. Please forgive me mummy." Lyon whimpered as he walked over to my mother.
"Oh baby. Of course I forgive you. But it's me who has to be sorry. Please forgive me." She cooed as she held him tight.
"I forgive you mummy." He said sniffling on her shoulder.
"Erza. Gray. Come here. Were having a family moment." The two walked over and joined the hug awkwardly.
"So let's all forgive each other and be just as happy as we used to be. Okay?" She whispered.
"Okay mother. I never had anything against you in the first place." Erza said.
"Sure mum." I said smiling.
"Now. Who's turn is it to do the dishes." My mother said letting go of us. Erza pointed at Lyon. I pointed at Erza and Lyon pointed at me.
"Is it now." And another family brawl broke out. And obviously our mom won.

"Aloha." Nastu said as he opened the door to let me in.
"Bonjour." I said smirking at him.
"I think your confusing the languages bro. You say aloha back." Natsu tutted at me.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever." I walked into his house and it seemed different than last time. It was way neater. I'm sure it would of won the 'Cleanest House' award. Which made sense since he had a broom in his hand.
"Dude the house is already clean enough." I said sighing at him.
"Oh really." He grabbed my arm and took me upstairs to his room.

"Woah." It was worse than my room times a hundred. The dirt pile reached my shin. Was that a living animal there?
"Oh that's happy. I thought I lost him." He picked the cat up from its nightmare and started stroking it. I'm forever going to clean my room from now on. I quickly helped him clean his room. And guess what he said to me an hour later once we were done.
"Gray. Are you gay?" He said mockingly acting shocked. "Hey that rhymes." He started laughing and I would of beat him up if I wasn't mesmerised by his laugh. It sounded like angels singing. Wow. When did I become cheesy.
"Are you?" He walked closer to me so our faces where inches apart. He slowly brushed his lips on mine and I was making new shaded of red by the second. He looked at me seductively and then pushed his lips against mine before I could say anything. It was different from the first time. He softly caressed my face, slowly went in rhythm with my lips. As I was about to pull away he bit my lip causing me to gasp. He took advantage of that and slid his tongue in. I wish I could say I won that battle of dominance. I didn't.

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