Chapter 25 part 1

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*5K. I love you guys. And for that have a pic of Gray. Mmmmm. Nice Gray. Woooooo. So. Some pretty emotional stuff coming up. And a completely different Gray.*

'I wish I could do more to help'

Natsu sat next to Gray in the hospital. Gray had cannula tubes sticking out of nose. He had bandages covering his arms and his chest. He just recently came out of operation for his heart. He could vaguely hear Aunt Ur screaming at the doctors and Uncle Silver trying to calm her down. On the opposite side of Gray was Ultear. She had her arms crossed in front of her like a make shift pillow. She was snoring peacefully and was muttering stuff about lollipops. Behind her on the sofa Lyon and Erza sat facing opposite directions with their back touching,leaning on each other with there heads dropping forward. 'Was I the only one awake.' Natsu thought. But he couldn't. He felt to happy. This was the last operation Gray had to be in and then he'd be all better. Then he could play outside more. Him, Ultear and Gray. It would be so fun. Finally Natsu closed his eyes and fell asleep.

A few hours later he heard someone prodding his head. He woke up abruptly and started spewing out fire. Which was the worst thing he could do in a hospital. Luckily, Silver had frozen all the flames before they could harm anyone.

"Lyon. I told you to stop poking him. Now look what you've done" Aunt Ur scolded Lyon. Lyon started pouting and giving Aunt Ur the puppy dog eyes.

"Aweeee. I forgive you" Aunt Ur cooed. She went over and hugged him. When Lyon hugged her, he gave us all an evil smirk. He was lucky she didn't notice.

Time skip: Park

After a while. Gray got better and better. Natsu regularly visited them. His father didn't mind. He was just glad Natsu was happy and made friend.

"No. I wanna marry Ultear!"

"No me!" Erza and Lyon were arguing about who was gonna marry Ultear. Ultear had both her arms in a tight grip being pulled left and right by the both of them.

"Guys. Stop. Why can't we all just be friends. Aren't we a bit too young to get married. Lyon. Erza."

"No" they shouted in unison

"I love her more."

"No I love her more!" And the argument still carried on. Till Lyon asked.

"Hey Gray. Who are you gonna marry?"

"Natsu of course." Ultear answered for him. All Gray did was blush.

"Well. If that's what he wants" Natsu said smirking. Gray turned a new shade of scarlet and they all laughed at him.

Timeskip. Natsus house.

" I wanna go on the merry-go-round" Ultear shouted.

"No. It's called a carousel." Gray shouted in her face

"No. A merry-go-round."

"Guys it's the same thing!" Natsu tried to stop the arguing. But seriously. Ultear argued with Gray all the time. They were twins.

"Achoooooo" Ultear sneezed. " I feel a bit weird." Igneel who was watching the whole argument, walked up to her and felt her forehead.

"Oh lord. For a child who was born into a ice Mage fangirl. Your heating up. I'll call your mother. I'm sorry Ultear but you won't be able to go to the fair this year."

"What? No". Sure she had a tantrum. Screamed. Cried. But eventually she gave in.

"Guys. Don't go on the merry-go-round. Kay. Promise."

"But I wanted to go on it." Natsu saw Ultears reaction. And he finally gave in

Ur then came and took Ultear home.

Silver and Igneel took the two boys to the fair. ( we all know what happens.)

Timeskip. A year later

Things got better. However for Natsu his dad got remarried. The lady was nice but he knew there was something fishy going on. ( fishy like happy ). Gray was also fully cured. He wasn't ill or depressed or stressed or whatever anymore. However the doctor said if anything really bad happens he may go back to his original state.( ;) )

So. Nastu was counting while Gray and Ultear were hiding. They were playing near the beach. The dock part of the beach. So there were loads of hiding places.

Natsu counted up to 100 and then ran of to look for them. He found Ultear first she was hiding behind big boxes that were imported from other countries. Then the two started looking for Gray. They looked at the sky and noticed the dark clouds forming.

"Oi. You two. I suggest you go home. A horrible storm is coming." One of the sailors warned them. They searched and searched and finally found Gray snoring in a boat. They boarded the small dingy and prepared to scare him.

1... 2 ... 3. When they were about to scream boo. Lighting scarred the sky and thunder boomed. Gray screamed and woke up. As they were about to get off the small boat. A colossal wave crashed into them and sent them flying. They landed somewhere in the middle of the ocean. They could vaguely see the beach.

Gray. Well he was screaming his lungs out. Natsu was whimpering. And Ultear was trying to keep the two idiots calm.

"Guys it's all right. We'll get out of this."

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't of fell asleep."

"No Gray. It wasn't. I could never blame you because I love..." ( so cliche ) Another wave crashed down on them. The dingy was destroyed onto minuscule pieces. Gray panicked and turned everything on his left side to ice.

Timeskip: Hospital

All that he could understand was the fact that Ultear had died. He didn't care that the ice he made saved Natsu. Actually it want that he didn't care. It was because he was too busy blaming himself for his sisters death

*Thats it. Part 2 shall be coming. Probably filler chapter before tho :)*

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