Chapter 7

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***Im making this a sting POV. Cuz I wanna And Because I have no Idea what to do for Gray and Natsu. Lol. ***

I was ready to party!!!

I loved parties. The drinks. Dancing. Girls. If I could party every night I would.But of course Rogue would probably scold me though.

'Oh. Rogue. How I wish I could tell you how I feel'

I loved Rogue. But obviously Rogue didn't love Me. If I ever confessed to Rogue he'd probably hate me. Be disgusted. He'd probably break the friendship. That's why I mustn't ever tell. At least I should be with him as long as I could. I wanted to stay being his best friend. That way I could stay with him forever.

I put on some clothes for the party and left the house. Rogue promised me he'd hang out with me instead of all those hot girls that kept following him and asking him out in dates. All the girls seemed to love him. Of course Rogue was straight and maybe one day he'll fall in love with a girl and I'd just be the best friend. Nothing more but probably something less.

Oh well. I walked into the party and saw Jellal making out with Erza. I was gonna tell him what a cool party. But I guess not. I then saw Rogue surrounded by lots of pretty girls. Wow they're hot I thought. I walked up to to him and the girls started flirting with me and I flirted back. Rogue walked off saying something about him getting me a drink. I started making out with one till I realised Rogue left. I pulled away from the girl and wiped away the saliva that hung from our lips.

I went to go look for Rogue. But Cana called me over and we had a drinking contest of course Cana won that. But I still was drunk. For a few moments I was sober I remembered seeing Natsu run past me. Was he crying? I also remembered Rogue dragging me out of the party. Was he blushing. He seemed angry as well. Then I fell unconscious

The next morning I remember waking up. I leaned over and saw it was already noon. I grabbed my laptop to see if there was anything good from the party. I was drunk most of it.

I dropped my laptop.

OMFG. I was kissing Rogue. But his eyes were wide and he was pushing me off.

My life was ruined. Rogue hates me now.

I dragged myself downstairs after I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I walked into the kitchen and saw food already set out. I heard the TV on. I tiptoed into the living room preparing a white dragon roar when I saw Rogue with the remote in his hand

His saw me and turned around. He looked at me and stared. I gulped and started to say something.

"I'm guessing you saw the picture on Facebook?" Rogue asked. I nodded.

But I didn't want to lie to him anymore. He had to know the truth. Even if it meant it would ruin our friendship.

"Yeah. You were pretty drunk." Rogue said in a matter of factly tone.

"All I remember was you seemed pretty angry "I said cautiously. Rogues eyes widened. Well here goes I said

"Rogue I've loved you since the day I met you" I said. I wasn't nervous. I place my hands on my hips and looked him in the eyes.

"Er..." Rogue started to say something." I'm sorry Sting". The words I dreaded to hear most of my life escaped. "If i'd known back then I would've..."

"You what? What would've you done?". I shouted at him angrily. Rogue blushed

"I used to love you too"

"Then I'll make you fall for me again" I said sitting next to him. I placed my hand on his cheek and gently caressed it. He turned scarlet and looked at his lap but I placed my finger on his chin and made him face me. " Like how on earth did you stop loving this" I said gesturing at my whole body. I smiled at him. I leaned in and captured his lips. His eyes widened and he turned a new shade of red. He then kissed me back. It wasn't a long kiss. But it was short and sweet and passionate.

"My new mission is to make you fall for me again. Now that'll be easy.". I smirked at him and he looked away.

" Whatever". He muttered

***. Aw. That was sweet***

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