Chapter 34

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"Oh my god! Oh my god!" I wailed. I couldn't hold it in. I had missed, I didn't mean to freeze the right side of me. What was I thinking?
"Gray calm down." My mother held me down before id hurt someone or myself, badly.
"It's all my fault. This is the second time. Mum I'm a monster!" I screamed.
Natsu was in the room in front of me inside the hospital. He was unconscious and he had tubes up his nose.
"Gray honey, it isn't your fault."
"But mum!!!"

An week had past and I, Gray fullbuster had to live on with out Natsu, knowing full well that I failed to save him. My family and friends tried to comfort me but that was useless. I was forced to go school and people kept asking me questions. At night I lay in my bed thinking about nothing but him. No visited him everyday but he never woke up.

One friday afternoon after school I made my way to the hospital. The nurse waved me through since she saw me visit everyday.
I went in inside the room and sat down next to him and took his hand. I stared at him and felt guilt. I softly stroked his face and smiled sadly.
"Luckily your not dead. But the doctors say your going to be unconscious for a while." I whispered to him. "I'm sorry by the way. For everything. For being mean. For hurting you. For leaving you. For making you sad. I'm sorry. It's my fault your like this. It's best if you forget about me and live your life happy." I cried quietly, with my head on his chest. When suddenly I felt something stroke my hair. I looked up to see Natsu, slowly opening his eyes.
"I totally forgive you." He said trying to smirk. I laughed and cried at the same time whilst hugging him.
*some crap chapter I know. Sorry. One more gratsu chapter to go guys. Then I'll finish fraxus and stingue then it's completed.*

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