Chapter 22

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*This is dedicated to the person who reads it the second it's updated. This person is amazing and insane. @Amaimonisbae. You are awesome. And I wonder if she'll or he'll be the first to read the second I press the publish button. Man. I've been dedicating a lot lately. So I should stop. Maybe. But I just love you guys!!!*

Natsu POV

All I remember was hearing was the lady apologising in my ear as she hugged me. I remember now. It was Grays mum. I was about to tell her it was okay and I didn't mind what she did to me back then. It wasn't her fault. But of course I should of expected the insane lady to punch me and knock me out. She threw me over her shoulder and carried me off. I vaguely heard Gray screaming. I was partly conscious and could hear Aunt Ur humming. I always knew this women was insane and not one to mess with. But after all she's been through. I sighed. After regaining full consciousness I just let her carry me. I knew not to argue with this woman. I looked up and saw Erza carrying Lyon on her back and Juvia and Gray trudging behind her. They seemed to be following us to Wherever Aunt Ur was taking me.

"Aunt Ur?" She tensed when I called her that name.

"Yes Natsu?" She whispered. She had a sad smile plastered on her lips." What's wrong? Sorry for knocking you out. Force of habit on my kids."

"Oh it's fine. But do you mind putting me down and telling me where your taking me?" I asked. She stopped in her tracks and carefully placed me on my feet.

"I'm taking you round to my place. Duh. I cooked lasagne." She said that like it was the most obvious thing and I should of already known about it.

"Oh. Okay." I replied.

"Lasagne?" Lyon said weakly. He lifted his head from Erzas shoulder.

"Yes. Since I forgive you guys. You can have some too. All four of you. That included you too pretty Juvia." Juvia smiled at that ending part. Aunt Ur started grinning and the other three kids seeing there mum smile made them smile too. It was kinda cute. I wished I had a family.

* this is a really short chapter. Sorry! *

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