Chapter 2

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"Sting. Do you mind looking after Gray for the week. " Miss Flare asked. But it was more if a demand and the answer was always supposed to be yes.

"Yeah sure!" Sting replied all too enthusiastically. Gray turned his head and saw a blonde boy wave at him and beckon him to sit next to him. The boy called Sting had a crazy grin in his face. He wore a Hollister jumper and black baggy jeans and some air forces. He had a scar that went diagonal over his right eyebrow. And his eyes were ocean blue. He stuck out his hand and Gray shook it

"Hey I'm Sting. You must be Gray. Wanna be friends." He said rushing his words.

"Sorry about him. He drank wayyyyyy too much coffee this morning" said a boy with dark brown hair and red eyes. "I'm Rogue by the way" Gray shook his hand. "This school is full of lunatics ,I know ,I've been here a few months. They're all crazy. But you get used too it." Rogue replied. Gray snickered at his comment.

A blonde girl in front leaned back and introduced her self too.

" Heyyyy , I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you". Woah. She's got big boobs. Gray thought. He shook his head at such thoughts. She had brown eyes. She had a cardigan on and a short blue skirt.

"Hello. I'm Gray. Nice to meet you too!!"

"Hey Gray. Looks like we have all out classes together" Gray turned and saw Sting holding his timetable. "That makes it easier for me to take you to your classes." Sting said he seemed to have calmed down a bit but not fully.

" Oh that's cool" Gray said sighing. Yay. He got to spend more time with the idiot. Sting smile faded and it seemed he was forcing a smile and he kept tugging the corners of his mouth. But you could see from his face he was sad.

"Oh. No. I didn't mean it in a rude way. I just meant. I'm just getting used to this school. It's a lot to take in. I don't mind you taking me around. I promise" Gray said frantically. He actually meant that apology. He wanted to change from his old self and actually make friends. Sting smile resurfaced and that made Gray happy.

" Okay, great!" Sting said giddily.

Then the bell rang and Home room was over.

"Come on dude. We got maths first." Sting said sighing. Gray remembered he liked maths because he was good at it. Wait. Gray was good at all academic subjects. He was an honours student. He got A+ in everything subject. Even gym. And no he wasn't a nerd. It's just after his dad died his mom put a lot of pressure on academic subjects to him and his brother Lyon and sister Erza. She felt that they needed to restore the family honour and be the best and powerful mages they could be. Gray inwardly sighed. To be fair his brother and sister only took the training part seriously and didn't give a crap about education. They were older and since mom failed them she put more pressure on the youngest. Me.

The maths teachers name was Mr Wakaba. He had light brown hair sticking out like a forward ponytail. He had a cigar in his mouth. Wait was that even legal. Smoking in schools as a teacher. He had a yellow leather jacket over a orange t shirt and he wore skinny jeans and boots. He had a beard and was probably middle aged.

As the class all filled in their seats. Mr Wakaba walked to him and introduced himself and told Gray to sit next to the spare chair next to Sting.

Maths basically dragged on. Gray already knew his stuff. Trigonometry and Pythagoras theorem. Wow. Too easy Gray thought. Sting seemed to also be good at maths and answered all the questions right.

After maths was biology. And after that was English and then history. All of them were too easy and Gray understood all of it. Sting seemed to have trouble in English so Gray helped him out a bit. But he was too notch in the other subject. They mostly talked about random stuff and got to know each other more. Gray seemed to like Sting as a friend and didn't mind him at all any more

Finally lunch came and Sting told him he could sit with him and his friends at lunch. Gray followed him to the lunch hall to were his friends were. They were a bunch of tables pushed together and loads of people were sitting there. It was the most crowded part of the lunch hall. He walked over there and recognised Lucy, Rogue and the Idiot Natsu. They sat down and Gray introduced himself. They all said hi back. And Gray met a guy named Gajeel who had long black hair and studs on his face. And also sibling all with white hair. Lisanna, Mirajane and Elfman. Also a short girl with blue hair called Levi

He got to know them more and actually started to like them. He got invited to the party on Saturday night. Bonus!!!!

He also noticed that Sting kept glancing over at Rogue even when Rogue wasn't speaking. And sometimes he'd just stop and stare. But then he noticed Gray giving him weird looks. So he stopped.

Then four more people sat down and a Gray spat out all his juice in Natsu who was in front of him.

"Hey. Why the fuck did you do that ice princess." Natsu screamed as he stood up. "That was my new shirt."

But Gray wasn't listening.

"What the hell are you two doing here". Gray spat at them.

His sister and brother Erza and Lyon joined the table accompanied by the Jellal and Juvia. They're boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Oh hello Gray." Erza calmly said. As she started to eat her strawberry cheesecake.

"Yeah. What up little bro". Lyon said winking at him.

"Oh so is that the juvenile idiotic brother you were taking about" Natsu said chuckling.

Juvenile. Idiotic.

What the hell was going on

But before he could respond. Sting and Natsu were already in a fight with Gajeel and Elfman. And then Erza and Juvia joined in as well. And there reason this fight started. Who knows!!

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