Chapter 21

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Dedicated to @FireAsuri

Gray POV

How do I put this? If you did something bad you'd probably get grounded. My mum, well she'd use her amazing Ice Make magic to beat the crap out of me and Lyon. Not Erza. She was a goody two shoes. I was so close to dying. It hurt. And then she froze me and left me there, in the living room while she sat and watched her CSI:Miami. That sad thing was she made me face the other way so I couldn't see the show the through the ice. It was a new episode as well :(

When I was unfrozen. I noticed my mother seemed a little off today. She didn't even ground me after. Her mind seemed elsewhere. I also noticed that when she was using her Ice magic, she seemed guilty. I was gonna ask her. But I was in the middle of getting myself pulverised.

I sat at the dining table with the rest of the table. Everyone noticed that my mum seemed a little off since normally she'd be the centre of commotion.

"Mother. Are you all right?" Erza asked. She placed her hand on mums arm.

"Yes. I'm fine. Just a little tired." She stood up and left the room.

"Guy. What do you thinks up Witt mum?" I asked.

"It's all your fault. She's probably upset about paying all that money for the new canteen" Lyon smirked at me.

"It's probably cuz she so disappointed and embarrassed your her son" I remarked. That shut him right up.

"Guys this is serious. We'll let her cool off. If she's like this tomorrow, we'll ask. Do you understand me?" She said sternly.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." Lyon said casually leaving the room. Lyon may not act like it but out of all of us he cared about mum the most. So he probably was worried and wouldn't listen and talk to mum before the plan.

I always felt like my family hid something from me. Like once we were talking about how mum only wanted three kids but she didn't have that. But then Erza told mum she did have three kids. Mum said something about how old age was getting to her. But I knew they were hiding something. Another time I asked mum how dad died. Yeah I know. I really don't know how he died. Even though Erza and Lyon knew. She avoided the question all time. I asked her a few days ago how life was like when we used to live here. She totally zoned out. I kept asking questions to them three even my jerk of a brother but he avoided it too. Once he even came and hugged me when I asked how he felt when dad died. He told me to never blame myself. What the? I don't even know how he died how can I blame myself.

I get so confused. It's as though I'm forgetting a huge part of my life. Something very important. But what is it?

*Fast forward. Tomorrow after school. Everyone's leaving through the gate.*

As I left to go home. I saw something I wasn't supposed to see.

I saw my mum waiting for me at the gate. I looked behind me and saw Lyon with his arm around Juvia. He saw my mother too. His face literally fell. Erza also saw our mother. The three of us stood and stared with our mouths scraping the floor.

"Gray. What's wrong?" Lucy asked me. I saw my mum grin but not at me. It was to Lyon. She came running. Lyon literally had no time to run. How do I put this? She beat the shit out of him. She then turned to Erza.

"What do you want? A beating or grounding?" My mother sneered at her. By now people were circling us. Juvia just stood over Lyon. She got used to the fact Ur would beat her kids up daily.

"Mother? What did I do wrong?" Erza took a step back. For the first time in her life; Erza was scared.

"You knew he was here this whole time. Yet you never told me."

"Mother it was for your own good. We knew you were guilty." Erza mumbled. She stood there staring at her feet. Maybe I should of ran but I didn't. I was curious. Who was here?

"Mum. Who are you talking about." I asked. That's when Natsu came walking by.

"Natsu Dragneel." She shouted. Natsu turned his head to see who called him. She walked up to him and gave him a hug. Then she knocked him out. Threw him over her shoulder and walked off.

"What the hell" I screamed.

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