5. "Im not gay"

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It's been a month since Jimin and Taehyung has became members of the most dangerous gang in Seoul everything as going good, well not exactly everything. Let me explain.

Jimin and Yoongi got really close, Jimin still denies that he's gay, even tho it's obvious.

Now Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok were a different story, they 3 became extremely close, the only problem is Jungkook likes both of them, and he can't choose which one to pick. So why not ask his dad who has 0 experience in relationships lmao


"Yes Jungkookie"

"Can I talk to you about something"

"Of course what's up"

"So you know how me, Tae, and Hobi hyung have gotten really close the last month"

"Mmmhmmmm and???"

"W-well... I like Tae..."

"Okay their is nothing wrong with liking a guy Kookie"

"N-no I know that but, I swore I was straight but then Tae came around...."

"Well maybe your gay for Taehyung then that's not a bad thing"

"Weeeell... I also have the same feelings for Hobi hyung" he looked down at his hands

"Oh... so your poly" Jungkook looked up confused

"What's poly mean" Yoongi chuckles

"Poly means you love more than one person, it's not a bad thing and if you do congratulations, have you talked to them about this???"

"N-no I was confused and didn't know what it meant"

"Well go talk to them and let me know what happens and if I have to hurt any of them I will"

"Okay thank you Dad"

"No problem Kookie" when he left Jimin walked in.

"So... Kookie has a lil crush on Hobi and TaeTae"


"Yea I used to call him that all the time when we met, but that doesn't answer my question" Yoongi chuckles

"Yea he does, he was asking for advice"

"Nice that must have been hard for him huh??? Entering a gang at 13???"

"Yea his parents kicked him out they said he was a disappointment he was supposed to be a girl but turned out a guy, and they were really religious and they found out a guy kissed him and they didn't like that, he never questioned his sexuality till he met Tae and Hobi and him gotten closer as friends, so maybe he is gay "

"Wow that must be hard, I thought I was gay, and when I tried to talk to my parents about it they didn't support me, and I didn't even come out as gay I just asked how do I know if I am, and they blamed it on Tae and kicked me out"

"Yikes, and have you found out if your gay or not"

"Yea I have and I'm not"



"Oh nothing "

"Yoongi tell me" Yoongi sighed standing up walking to Jimin and Jimin just stood there.

"So your not gay??"

"N-no, I just said this, why are you asking me this???"

"Hmmmm interesting"

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