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"Hello son... it's time to come home and take my spot as mafia king"

"W-What" Yoongi glared at Jimins dad.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Haha Oh sorry forgot to introduce myself Hello I'm M.Park Park Jimins dad, I'm the Mafia King and I'm here to take my son back to take my place" Jimin went to go in front of Yoongi but he wouldn't let him "awe little Agust D protective over his baby. That's cute"

"W-why? H-how?"

"Oh right let me explain myself. So when you came out as gay I was pissed you were supposed to take over my position of the Mafia on ur 18th birthday, then marry a girl and have a kid so they can take over and so on and so forth, but you ruined my plan when you came out as gay."

"B-But... why now?"

"Because now I know you can get pregnant and are pregnant with the next leader"

"How do you know this?"

"Jesus so much questions now come my son I will answer all of the questions you have when we get there"


"Excuse me?"

"N-no you can't just come in here like that drop a bomb like that and expect me to go with you, I havnt heard from you in 3 years I was 15 and you kicked me out, and then you come here and tell me that shit, like where even is mom? Is she apart of that too?"

"Don't speak of that bitch!!! When I kicked you out she turned on me, on us she loved you and told me I was to harsh and that I should love you cause your my son she went on and on and on and wouldn't shut up... so I shut her up myself, such a shame she really was beautiful"

"Y-you killed her?"

"Bingo I always knew you were smart"

"Oh my god" Jimin dropped on the floor and started to cry. Yoongis eyes filled with rage he turned to Jimins dad and charged at him but Mr. Parks men were faster and grabbed him.

"ENOUGH!!! Jimin you are coming with me and that's final."

"Nooooo" his men grabbed Jimin and all everyone could do was watch because they were all being held by Mr. Parks men.

"Stop fighting its not good for the future leader"


"SHUT IT... make sure he doesn't hurt the future leader if he does I'll just have one of y'all impregnant him again." Mr. Park smirked and turned back to Yoongi.

"Well I best be going now, have some people I need to kill and some prostitutes to get... bye bye" Mr. park left and the guards let go of Yoongis men but they didn't get far they killed the Gaurds that were there and when Yoongi ran out the cars were driving away.


"Uhhh Jimins dad is the Mafia King?... did he know about that?"

"No, he couldn't have did you see his face when his dad said that. He was devastated, and he lost his mom. His mom never disowned him for being gay, she supported it"

"Okay can y'all shut the fuck up, get as many guys as you can, get everyone we need to go get Jimin."

"But Yoongi, his dad is the Mafia KING!!! He can kill us with a single look, and Jimin is the next Mafia King, we can't do anything about it"

"Wanna try me? He fucked with my family, he took something of mine away from me, he made my baby cry, and scared. He could have hurt my babies too, if anyone should be scared it's him!!! I could have been Mafia King if I wanted to but I don't want to, they do fucked up things they sell people, kill people who just look at them wrong, have prostitutes sell themselves to get money for them, they kill people for fun no reason at all, that's the reasons I don't do the Mafia, so try me, I'm getting my baby back, with or without you (ik this is a serious moment but saying that reminds me of the run dubbed when Namjoon lost his passport and at the end they were like "Jungkook would have 2 girls in his bed by the end of the night with or without you so" ok back to the story) now do as I say and grab everyone you can, ask around BigBang would join im sure, EXO would, so ask around to anyone we are semi close with, we need as much men as we can get in getting my baby back and I'm killing that Mother Fucker Mr. Park"

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