13. Training

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The next morning Jimin woke up to an empty bed, he quickly sat up looking for Yoongi, he was relieved when he saw Yoongi in the bathroom brushing his teeth. He sighed before getting up and back hugging Yoongi.

Yoongi spit the toothpaste out and looked at Jimin threw the mirror and smiled.

"Good morning baby boy" Jimin blushed

"Good morning Yoongi" Yoongi chucked before turning the Fossett off putting his toothbrush down and turning around hugging Jimin back.

"How's you sleep?" Jimin just shrugged.

"Okay I guess, I was more focused on making sure you slept"

"Well for your information I slept really good last night since I was cuddled up to you"

"I always feel... safe in your arms, even though you kill people, and sell drugs, and steal, you always make me feel like I'm home when I'm in your arms" Yoongi smiled and made Jimin look him in the eye.

"Home is where the heart is... your heart is with me, so I am your home" (I just busted the biggest uwu and I'm the one writing this lmao"

Jimins eyes sparkled and Yoongi kissed him and Jimin kissed back just as hard, Yoongi swiped his tongue across the youngers bottom lip and Jimin didn't hesitate to open it for him not like the last time.

"Hey if you guys are done sucking each other's face we are ready for the mission." Jimin looked at Yoongi confused

"Another mission? What mission?"

"Oh nothing really just getting some new guns, then we have to go get drugs"

"Can I come?"

"NO" Jimin pouted,

"but but but... whyyyyy"

"Because baby this one is dangerous" Jimin stopped hugging Yoongi

"But So was the other one" Yoongi chuckled

"How about this, you can stay and train with Jungkook, once your about as good as him then you can some with us on these kinds of missions" Jimins face lit up.


"Yes, now go change and meet Jungkook he is most likely in the gun range, or in the training room teaching Tae how to throw, catch, and dodge knives" Jimins eyes widened.

"D-dodging knives"

"Yes baby boy, believe it or not knives are really hard to dodge, and a lot of the time rivalry gangs use those more than guns"

"O-okay" Jimin gave one last kiss to Yoongi before going to the gun range...

Nope not there, he then went to the training room only to find Jungkook sucking Taes face

"Uuug get a room" they looked up and Taes face turned a bright red and he turned away as Jungkook just laughed.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Uhhh Yoongi said when I learn how to, catch, throw, and dodge knives, and shook a gun properly I'll be able to go on the missions he went on like today."

"What mission did he go on today?"

"He went to get guns and drugs" Jungkooks eyes widened but soon turned back to normal and he just nodded.

"Yea you don't want to go on any of those missions without knowing how to defend yourself, I mean your really good at knocking someone out with a hand gun, yea we all heard by the way, Yoongi was pissed, has he punished you for that yet?" Jungkook smirked

"P-punish? Yoongi? Yoongi punishing me?" Jimin thought bout that and he shivered causing Jungkook to laugh.

"Taking that as a no, I'm surprised he hasn't pounced on that ass yet" Jungkook laughed earning a slap to the back of the head

"Unlike you Yoongi is waiting till Jimin is ready" Jimins eyes widened

"Y-your ra-" "NOOOO HE DIDNT, trust me I liked it a lot, I was just saying haha"


"Uhhh Jimin do you know how weird that sounds?"

"Oh shut up Jungkook not like that"

"Oh well, well we have to get started on training"

*time skip because I'm a lazy piece of shit and their isn't really anything interesting*

After a few hours of training and all Jimin could do is throw a knife, he can't catch nor dodge one, good thing is that he doesn't have cuts on his bc he wore protection, bad news is he really can't dodge a knife haha. But they stopped for the day, Yoongi should be back soon.

And with that being said they heard the front door slam open with Namjoon carrying an injured Jackson, and Yoongi walking in with his hand on his arm with blood coming out of it, Jimin was just about to reach Yoongi when Yoongi collapsed. It was like everything was in wow motion for Jimin, he screamed and ran towards Yoongi, he realized Yoongi was also bleeding on his torso. He was so scared, he didn't want to lose Yoongi, not like this.

He was frozen screaming and Crying (you know in movies when something tragic happens and u see the person screaming but it's muted, yea picture that, with Yoongi in Jimins arms lifelessly)

Jungkook and Tae tried to get Jimin away from Yoongi but he couldn't budge.


"I.... love... you... Jiminie"


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