1. No mercy

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"No... p-please show me mercy, I-I'm sorry, I-I'll give you a-anything j-just please spare me m-my lifeu (hahaha I had to) I beg of you"

"Hahaha that's cute, RM you hear that, he's begging for his life and he said he would give me anything haha" he bent down to him and pulled straight face " do you know what you did to that little girl??? She was only 4 YEARS OLD!!! SHE WAS 4 FUCKING YEARS OLD YOU FUCKING RAPIST ASS CREEP!!! And now........you will pay" he stood up and pulled his gun out aiming it at his head shot. "Sick freak"

"Nice one Yoongi" Yoongi nodded as he put his gun back in his holster on his pants

"Someone clean this shit up I have to go see my son" he turns and starts to walk away

"Yoongi you do know he's not your real son right???" Yoongi stopped and turned to glare at Jackson, putting his hands up in defense Jackson surrendered. "Never mind got it"

Back at the Mansion (yes they own a mansion hello they are the most dangerous gang out there but never kill innocent people but no one knows that.)

Police are even afraid of them they don't even try to capture them because they no it's no use.

Once they got back to the mansion Yoongi got home to see Jungkook cleaning his gun and knife and it made Yoongi kinda proud

"Hey bud who did you kill???" Jungkook shrugged not looking up at Yoongi

"Just some guy" Yoongi face got serious

"Jungkook you know we don't kill innocent people" Yoongis stare was harsh jungkook could feel it in his soul.

"He wasn't innocent dad, he was going to kill an innocent homeless man, the homeless man was laying down minding his own business when the guy went up to him and started to pick a fight with him calling his disgusting and shit and he almost stabbed him till I stabbed the guy then killed him, and don't worry I had my mask on" Yoongi just nodded and left to his office.

'Hmmm my next victim:
Charlie Smith, 26 year old, works at the corner store on xxxxx street, accused of killing a family of 4' Yoongi though as he smirked 

"This one is gonna be fun"

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