15. Crazier than you

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Shitu is gonna go down

Jimin went to bed around the same time as everyone else.

Before we went to bed he went to see Yoongi, when he walked in he showed no emotions, he walked up to Yoongis lifeless body and looked down at him, he held his hand and started to cry, he never wanted to see his lover like that, I mean who would.

After a while he wiped his tears and kissed Yoongis head.

"Don't worry baby they will pay for this" and he left the room.

He made sure everyone was asleep before he grabbed everything he needed and he dressed up. He looked at his phone before he left to see where the EXO leader is and left.

He took his car (yes he got a car Yoongi bought it for him a few weeks he was there) and he drove to the club.

He saw Kai the EXO leader (yeee ya boi is the leader) he walked over and sat in the seat next to him and asked for a shot.

Kai noticed him and boy did he like what he saw.

"Hey beautiful" Ooof he was already drunk as fuck.

"Hey" Jimin knee Kai's type all to well, he loves people who play hard to get.

"What's a gorgeous boy like you doing in a club like this?"

"None of your business "

"Oooo playing hard to get huh"

"I don't know what your talking about" Jimin smirked. He has to admit, Kai was really hot but not his type.

"Are you sure about that baby boy?"

"I don't know am I?" Jimin said with a sly smirk

"How about I take you to a hotel and we have some fun"

"Sure... lead the way" Jimin smirked before getting up with Kai and leaving.

⚠️ warning, not smut but things get heated ⚠️

Once they get to the hotel Kai automatically pinned Jimin against the door making out with him Jimin slowly took off his jacked making sure not to let the gun nor knives fall out of his jacket and he laid it down on the table before pushing Kai on the bed.

"I never it your name baby boy" Jimin smirked

"Just call me ChimChim" Kai smirked before flipping them over and kissing down Jimins neck finding his sweet spot making Jimin moan.

Jimin flipped then over and straddled Kai And Kai grabbed Jimin ass squeezing it causing Jimin to moan, then he smacked it and he moaned again.

He knew he couldn't let it get to far.


He stood up going to his jacket before grabbing the gun turning around shooting Kai in the leg.

Kai sat up screaming.

"You see, you hurt someone very dear to me Kai..." Jimin shot him in his other leg. "You know AgustD right, how you shot him in the arm" Jimin shot him in the arm. "And in the torso" Jimin lifted Kais shirt and shot him in his torso. "You hurt him, I can't believe you would hurt someone like him"

"He deserves it, he's a piece of shit" Jimin shot his arm again.

"NO HES NOT A PIECE OF SHIT YOUR THE PIECE OF SHIT!!!!" Jimin shot him straight in the chest and watched him bleed out. Jimin heard a bang on the door.

"Kai, we need your help, one of the BTS gang members are here (yeee Jackson, and Mark are in the BTS gang yeet yeet)

'Fuck' Jimin thought,

"Jimin grabbed his stuff and saw the window and he climbed out of it.

Just as he was about to jump the door got kicked in, the other EXO members looked at the bed then Jimin and yelled rubbing towards Jimin but it was to late Jimin already jumped and ran. They tried to run after him but Jimin took so many turns, and cut threw so many allies the lost him.

He got the the car and hurried up turned it one and drive home, he started to laugh, he never killed someone his blood ran threw his body it was a new experience, and almost getting caught was what set him off more, he felt such a rush when he killed Kai and almost got caught.

When he got home he opened the door slowly and closed it slowly. He turned around and saw the light turn on and non other than Namjoon himself was standing there.
"What did you do Jimin? Why are you all bloody? Who did you kill"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes Jimin it does!" Namjoon pushes himself off of the wall walking towards Jimin.

"You know, Yoongi was the same exact way, he did exactly what you did to Kai to his moms killer, exempt you didn't rip him to shreds like Yoongi did, and you almost got caught" Jimins eyes widened. Namjoon just chuckled. "I'm a hacker remember, I hacked your phone and was able to see everything that happened."

"A-are you mad?" Namjoon just chuckled

"No... no I'm not, disappointed yes, but not mad, Yoongi has been wanting to kill Kia for years he raped tons of people, he fucked people out of their month while selling drugs or weapons, he murdered so many innocent people. But he was never able to because everyone knew everyone in our gang. I was at the hotel, I was the one they saw, but they didn't know why I was there. I'm kinda proud of you, you actually had the balls to kill someone not even someone the leader of our #1 rivalry gang, now let's go get you cleaned up. Yoongi woke up a little bit before you got back, I told him you went out and I was tracking your phone. He wants to see you but let's wait till he's better for you to tell him, he might be mad but then he will be proud" Jimin nodded before going with Namjoon and got cleaned up.

When he was done he went into the room Yoongi was in and ran over to Yoongi to was kinda sitting up.

"YOOONGIIIII" Yoongi smiles before holding out one of his arms for Jimin to run and hug him.

"Hey baby" Jimin hugged Yoongi and when he came back from hugging Yoongi, Yokngi saw some blood on Jimins cheek. "Jimin...."

"Y-Yes Yoongi?" Jimin seen this look in Jimin before it's the pissed off and worried look.

"What's one your cheek"

"O-oh nothing I was eating some cake I guess some of the frosting got on me whoops hahaha" Jimin went to wipe it away but Yoongi caught his hand bringing jimin closer he took his thumb and wiped it against Jikins cheek and taking it off, before putting it in his mouth.

"Jimin... what. Did. You. Do" Yoongis face got so serious what's even worse is Jimin got turned on from it but he was more scared than he was turned on.

"I-I..... uh... I-it's" "it's Kais blood Yoongi.... Jimin killed Kai I lied when I said he went out"


"Yoongi calm down it's not good for you to tell like that you could open the stitches." Yoongi stopped before looking at Jimin, he was in tears, balling his eyes out.

"Come here Jiminie" Jimin sat on the bed and cuddled up to Yoongi and Yoongi wiped his tears away. "I only yelled because I was scared, what if he turned around and killed you, I couldn't live with myself if he killed you, I'd-" "you'd kill him" Jimin interrupted "Yea I would have"

"What do you think I did? You had a 50-50 shot of dying, I was so mad, I couldn't lose you"

"Jesus you are just like me, Just not crazy" Yoongi chuckled but hissed.

"Yea... I'm not as crazy as you...." Jimin looked up to Yoongi.

"I'm crazier than you"

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