20. Baby Boy Fucked Up

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The next morning Jimin woke up to an empty space in the bed he got up and looked around but he saw a note on the table. He picked it up and read it.

Hey baby boy, when you wake up and read this I'll be gone, don't worry I just went to a meeting, I'll be back around 4:30/5:00 if you need anything text me, I'll answer, I love you so much.


P.s no I did not forget about your birthday baby boy, I put money in the envelope on your desk you and Taehyung go out and get some things, eat, watch a movie, but be home by 4:00 because when I get home I have plans, also if you go out to eat don't eat a lot, I made reservations somewhere, I love you baby see you when I get home :*

Jimin smiled before he put the note down and opened up the envelope, his eyes widened their was about $1 million in the envelope. Jimin laughed and shook his head.

"He really does love to spoil me"

Jimin got up and threw one of Yoongis shirts on before walking downstairs and being jumped on by Tae.


"Aaahhh thank you TaeTae... but can't... breath" Taehyung let go and laughed

"I'm sorry Chimchim, what do it have planned today?"

"We are going shopping"

"Wait.. we?"

"Yes we... we are getting clothes I also want to get some stuff for Yoongi" Taehyung looked confused for a seconds before he got the gist


"Jesus quiet down Tae"

"Sorry give me a second let me go change"

"Happy birthday Jiminie" Jin and Mark walked into the living room.

"Thank you guys"

"So uhhhh what you were talking to Taehyung about... does that mean we might want to go out Tonight?"

"Uhhhh probably hehe"

"Don't be shy Jiminie, we got you" Mark winked earning a slap from Jin.

"YAH!!!! That's still my baby don't tease him, and of course Jiminie, just... be careful"

"What do you mean?"

"Yoongi can be very...... rough... if he wants to be, one of the reasons he hasn't had sex you since y'all made love the last time, it hurt right?"

"Yea But it felt good"

"Well it's 10x worse especially if you get punished, so just... be carful okay" the sound of Yoongi punishing Jimin made him shiver, he was nervous but excited and he wanted to know the type of punishments Yoongi will do to him.




(Time skip because 1. It's a surprise, and 2. Because I want to get to the good stuff)

Jimin and Taehyung got home at around 3:00 so it left an hour and a half- 2 hours till Yoongi got home and he was sitting upstairs bored, and he thought for a while.

"Well it's 10x worse especially if you get punished"

Just thinking about it makes Jimin want to know what he meant, he suddenly got an idea.

"If you need anything text me I'll answer"

Jimin smirked before grabbing his phone opening it up.

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