25. Sick Jimin

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The next day Jimin woke up first he felt a pain in his head as he sat up. But he brushed it off. He got up and instantly got dizzy he took the water bottle from the nightstand and drank some and he felt a little better.

He made his way downstairs and into the kitchen where he seen Yoongi talking to Namjoon as Jin was cooking breakfast but the smell made him nauseous and got dizzy as he put his hand on the wall holding himself up. And Yoongi seen it.

"Jiminie are you okay" Yoongi rushes over to Jimin.

"Y-Yea just dizzy... and my head hurts... and the smell of food is making me nauseous" Yoongi looked at Jin and Jin went over and put a hand on his forehead.

"Awww baby your burning up, here let's get you into bed, I was hoping that the sickness that's going around didn't come to you, guess that didn't work"

"It's fine just... I need to go lay down" Jin nodded and Yoongi picked him up and carried him to bed cuddling him and Jin brought him chicken soup

"Here is some night quill it will nick you on your ass so you will sleep. I'll check up on you since Yoongi has to go to a meeting" Jimin nodded and Yoongi gave him a kiss on his forehead before getting up and getting ready to leave.

"If it gets to bad call me and I'll come home okay love" Jimin nodded finishing his soup laying down going back to sleep and Yoongi kissed him on the forehead before leaving.

"Make sure he stays in bed, don't need him risking hurting himself since he's sick, if it gets to bad text me I know he won't so I suggest you text me"

"Of course... now go before your late" and with that he left

Time skip bc I'm a piece if shit and I'm lazy af

Taehyung and Jungkook got home and Jin informed him on what was wrong with Jimin and he got worried.

"Hey I'll join you and Hobi later, ima go and comfort him, at least till Yoongi gets back"

"Okay love see you later" Jungkook kisses Tae and they went their separate ways.

When Taehyung got up to Jimin and Yoongis room he knocked and opened the door but he froze when he didn't see anyone in the bed, he checked the bathroom and the closet and nothing.

"JIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!" Jin ran upstairs and froze and Jungkook and Hoseok joined not long after.

"W-where is he... I just checked on him 10 minuets ago?"

"Shut we have to call Yoongi"

"Fuck I'll do it" with that being said Jungkook left the room and Taehyung started to cry and Hoseok held him and Jin was panicking


"What is it Kook I'm in a meeting"

"... it's Jimin..."

"What what's wrong with Jimin"

"He's..... gome"


"I-i don't know me and Taehyung got home not to long ago, Jin checked on him 10 minuets ago he was still here but Tae just went to comfort him since you weren't here but when he got upstairs he.... wasn't in the room anywhere"

"What the fuck how could y'all let this happen"


Yoongi sighed Jungkook was right, he was in his thoughts till his phone went off and he looked at the message and his whole world crashed.

Ex slut:
U underestimated me Min Yoongi... I told u that I would have u, ur mine, we belong together not that slut of a boy, but it's okay I'm taking care of it so we can be together again... Ily see u soon 💜💜😘😘

"Dad.... Dad... YOONGI"

"It... it was her"

"Who dad who was it??"

"Jennie.... she took him....SHE RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!" Yoongi grabbed the chair and threw it smashing it out the window, and punished a wall. "Get everyone together track down his phone and her phone she's NOT getting away with this.

"Yes sir"

Jennie you are now a dead woman

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