31. Taehyungs surprise pt.2 ~

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Double update make sure to ready the last chapter

"A safe word?"

"Yes a safe word, so if u can't handle it you can say a safe word and we will stop what we are doing. But from the looked of it I doubt you will use the safe word but just in case we will set one in place, Hoseoks is red, so original right, but it was the first thing that popped into his head"

"Have you guys fucked?"

"No, but he has brought people over once he brought this one over and he said red but the guy still kept going and I was there to help stop him and that's how I know his safe word and the things he's into he's a soft masochist while me on the other hand I'm a hard Sadist (now beast came one 🤣) as in I love to conflict pain on others cause them to cry and bleed, in a sexual way, beg for me to let them cum, beg for me to stop knowing they don't want me to stop, as long as the other person is comfortable, if not I stop and don't do anything further, like Hobi, I may be a hard Sadist but I won't inflict to much pain on him I know my limits, and what he likes and don't likes, now it's time to see what your limit is. But your safe word cannot be stop because you could say stop but not mean it, can't be my name for obvious reasons, can't be red because that's Hobis, now think of a safe word when you do let us know."

Taehyung sat their for a second it was a lot of information to process but he was able to, after thinking for a while he had his safe word it may have been a weird one but it will work.


"Oreo? Is that your safe word?" Taehyung nodded and Jungkook did the same "Good now strip"


"I said strip, Hosoek you too" Hoseok looked at Jungkook wide eyed then looked at Taehyung who was getting undressed., he sighed before stripping sitting back on the bed.

Jungkook disappeared into the closet and came out with a few bags and sat them on the bed and Taehyung being the nosey person he is tried to open it and Jungkook glared at him and Taehyung sat back.

He pulled 2 blind folds out one black one red black for Taehyung red for Hoseok.

"Hoseok put the blind fold on Taehyung for me" Hoseok nodded and put it on Taehyung while Jungkook put the other one on Hoseok.

"Now back up till you hit the pillows" they did that and stopped when they hit the pillows. "Now when I'm done putting these on I was y'all to turn around on your knees hands on the headboard."

"What are you putt- Fuck" Hoseok stopped mid sentence when he felt a cock ring get placed on his dick. Taehyung on the other hand squirmed and whimpered.

"Now now baby boy, be a good boy and do what daddy said"

"Yes daddy" Hoseok was already in the positron he already knew what would happen if they disobeyed Jungkook, he heard a lot of things when Jungkook would bring girls home, and he knew it made him mad.

"Wow Hoseok didn't even have to tell you, should I ask why?"

"B-because sir, I know what it's like when someone doesn't do what you say and I don't want that to happen to me" Jungkook smirked.

"Good boy (I am a good boy sorry I had to 😂) now for the fun part now y'all remember y'all safe word right?"



"Good now lets begin rules.
•no moaning
•don't move your hands from the headboard
•only answer as daddy or sir
•do as I say when I say it no matter if you like something or not.
•don't say anything unless spoken to if you absolutely hate what I'm doing to you say the safe word

Taehyung if you hear Hoseok say his safe word don't say it before you even try it, he is soft and their is 2 things that he doesn't like well 1 1/2 things he likes one of them just not to much of it. But from the movie and your personality you should be good, if not just say the safe word when we get to the toys I'll have a game with them. Right now all you have is a cock ring before you ask you have to be very convincing and beg very good for me to let you cum, now are you ready?" No one answered so he slipped their ass causing them to gasp biting their lip to surprise a moan. "This is gonna be fun" Jungkook smirked

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