73. epilogue 1

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the first day of kindergarten

"Do you have their book bags?" 

"Yup and you have their lunch?" 


"So today is the day?" 

"Yup today is the day." 

"they are growing up" 

"Yea they are...3...2...1..."Jimin counts down then points at Yoongi and right on queue. 


"We can't do that"

"figure it out" 

"Nope...Okay, guys let's go!!!" Jimin turned around when he heard little footsteps and he gasped. "MIN YOONGI WHAT DID YOU PUT OUR CHILDREN IN!!!"

"What they look sweet! don't you guys!" 

"Yeeeeah we sweg!"

"Yeeeeah we sweg!"

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"Oh my god...my poor babies" Jimin ran over to the 5-year-olds and hugged them and they both acted disgusted and tried to push him off. He laughed and got up. "you're never allowed to dress our children again!" They 2 kids whined and Jimin glared at them and they threw their hands up in defense. and Yoongi just shrugged. 

They grabbed their stuff and headed out the door. when they got to the school they said their goodbyes and Yoongi bent down to them and smiled. 

"You know what to do when someone picks on yall right?" they quickly nodded and Yoongi smirked "Good job, okay kiddos we have to go now, I and Eomma have a meeting to go to" 

"mkaaay bye bye Appa... Bye bye, Eomma!!!" they waved and Jimin smiled waving and Yoongi waved and blew them a kiss and they blew one back. 

"Okay let's go love" 


"hey aren't your parents in the mafia?"

"yea so?" 

"that's bad...they can get in trouble for that and you will get taken away!" the little boy pouted and folded his arms and Lil Yoongi glared at the boy and Mini spoke up. 

"YAH watch it, little boy, don't say stuff like that! We won't be taken away, my Eomma and Appa are stronger than those other people!" 

"Yea and what will you do about it shortie!" Mini put her bookbag down and walked over to the boy grabbing him by his hair and banged his head on the table then pushing him on the floor 

"WHOS THE SHORT ONE NOW BITCH" and Lil Yoongi laughed. The teacher ran over to them and pulled Mini away before she could do anything more. they sat in the chair outside the room and waited till their parents shown up and Jimin ran to the kids. 

"AWE my babies." 

"Mr. Min, may I talk to you for a second?" Jimin looked up and nodded and Yoongi went over to the kids. 

"Oh I'm sure it was just a miss understanding, they probably said something that made my Daughter do that" Yoongi looked at Mini 

"what did you do?" 

"He was saying bad stuff about you, then he CALLED ME SHORT!!!" 

"Hmmm, and what did you do?" 

"I took his head and banged it against the table then pushed him down and said 'whos the short one now bitch'" Yoongi smiled 

"High five" She smiled and high fived him and Jimin walked out the room mad Yoongi stood up. "what's wrong?" 

"That bitch tried to expel Mini!"

"Okay, what did you do!" 

"pushed her against the board and punched her in the face." Jimin shrugged and Yoongi laughed. 

"Yup...she gets that from you" 

"Yea well she's gonna get fired too" 

"really why?" Jimin smirked. 

"Just watch" they walked to the office "My name is Min Jimin I need to talk to the principal it's about one of the teachers. the lady nodded and called the principal. 


"Yes hi im Min Jimin." the principles eyes widened and she nodded. "my child's teacher has coke on her, I saw her put it in her desk when I got there. I thought I needed to let you know." The principal nodded and got the cops and Jimin smirked and they left. 

"She didn't have coke, did she? You just put that in there." Jimin smirked and Yoongi Laughed. " I love you so much!" 

"Oh I know haha" 

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