58.Dont fuck with family pt. 2

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"Yes Jin... yes I do, But their is one thing he should know...." Jimin smirked as if he knew James would be secretly listening. "I'm mother fucking Park Jimin, son of Park Jiwon (don't ask just came up with a random name) the King of the largest Mafia in all of Korea... and one thing you don't do... is fuck with the Kong's belongings... that counts as family too, he already lost and died the second he fucked with my family." (I just got fast and furious vibes anyone else? No? Just me? Okay....)

On the other side Jin was smiling proudly and James looked scared but smirked causing Jin to wipe the smile off his face. James turned on the mic.

"You see Jimin, here's the thing about that Your dad Park Jiwon was a close friend of mine he payed me to leave yea BTS did fuck me up and I was scared of them but I didn't want to just up and leave so I went to your dad, he paid me to leave so I left to America, and I got stronger... smarter, and then I got news that he was no longer alive and that his son... that's you, would be taking over the Kings spot, I knew you were weak, I watched you since you were little don't you remember that? The last day you saw me was the day you came out to your father, I was there... when he kicked you out he came up to me and told me that when he dies I will take his place as King... but I'd have to kill You, and anyone else who stands in my way... BTS being first... don't worry I'll save your little fiancé last so you can watch as I kill him" Jimin started getting angry... and Jimin doesn't get angry. "Oh and don't worry about your babies... I'll just kill them so you can be one happy family again in hell." James laughed a little and everyone listening was frozen. All but Jimin who's anger reached the peak. He was so fucking angry, Yea sure threaten him, threaten Yoongi, threaten anyone who was with them, but DONT threaten his children. Yoongi was beyond pissed he started to try to get out of the Ropes and he frowned his eyebrows in confusion when he heard Jimin start to laugh. But then he realized......

Jimin went rouge.

"W-What? What the fuck are you laughing at?" Obviously everyone seen Jimin bat chit crazy, and that was pretty scary. But this is the first time they seen Jimin go flow blown PSYCHO! And they knew their was no stopping him, anyone that got in the way he will kill even if it was someone he cared about... right now... he was NOT Park Jimin... he was the devil in disguise.

"You see James people like you disgust me, always wanting nothing but power, not caring about anyone but yourselves, you would kill your own family to get power, your own best friend, selfish assholes like you don't deserve to fucking walk this earth not even in the next life time or the lifetime after that so on and so forth, people like you are the reason this world is shit, people like you are the reasons people like me turn psychotic, you can threaten anyone here including my fiancé, but the one thing that you don't fucking do!!! IS THREATEN MY FUCKING CHILDREN YOU SELFISH ARROGANT PRICK ASS BASTARD!!!!" And with that the line went dead and everyone was silent for a few moments till Maddie, I.M, Minhyuk, Lisa, and Jooheon all saw Jimin walking their way loaded with guns and knives, they widened their eyes and looked at Jimins eyes. They were black, like black black, they matched his pupils and that's when they knew not to even talk to him. They put their heads down as Jimin passed by and he kicked the gate open and the time ran out on the cameras so they were able to see Jimins every move.

"Shit I need guards downstairs!! do NOT let him get passed I repeat DO NOT LET HIM GET PASSED!!!" He turned to Yoongi who was smirking and went over to Yoongi and punched him in the face and smiled a little. "There That should wipe that smirk off your face. Guys beat him till he's caught get up blood." Jins eyes widened and he went to help but one of the guys pulled a gun out on him.

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