chapter 11

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2 months later
It's been two months since the trial and everything and I've been better. I was really upset and depressed after the trial but I've gotten over it. My feelings for Owen have also gotten stronger. We've spent so much time together lately between work and phone calls that I like him a lot. Tonight Meredith and Derek are having a holiday party at their house and Owen said he's going so I'll go too. He also moved out of Derek and Meredith's, so he's invited me over a few times. My mom was watching the kids tonight because I feel bad for asking Emma to do it recently. I walked downstairs and Izzy and Joey were playing their iPads on the couch.
"Guys grandmas here did you say hi?" I said walking into the kitchen.
"Yeah!" They both yelled. I walked into the kitchen and Emma was talking to my mom. My mom smiled as I walked in.
"You look nice," she said.
"Thanks," I said.
"That's cause Owen is gonna be there," Emma said.
"Shut up," I chuckled.
"Oooh is Owen the boy you like?" My mom asked.
"Eh uh yeah kinda," I shrugged.
"Oh come on let me see a picture," My mom said. I showed her a selfie of him and I at his house and she smiled.
"He's cute," She said.
"Mhm," I said.
"Mom has a little crush," emma joked.
"So you think he likes you?" My mom asked.
"Mom it isn't high school," I joked.
"He definitely does," Emma said.
"He definitely doesn't," I said.
"Oh why not," My mom said.
"He probably thinks I'm hung up on Spencer or some shit," I shrugged.
I came over early to Derek and Meredith's to help them set up for their party.
"Hey Derek quick question," I said.
"Yeah," He said.
"Do you have mistletoe?" I said.
"Yeah why you're trying to kiss my sister?" He chuckled, "it's about time."
"Uh Yeah maybe," I said.
"Just go for it," He chuckled.
"Derek what if she doesn't like me," I said.
"Oh she's my sister I know she likes you," He chuckled.
Derek and I were still setting up when we heard the door open.
"Hey it probably Amelia," he joked and nudged me.
"Shut up," I chuckled.
"Oh so you're gonna chicken out?" He said.
"No," I said. Amelia walked in and she looked beautiful. I smiled and she smiled back and put a pack of beer on the table.
"Because your beer tastes like ass," she said to Derek.
"Gee Thanks," he joked.
"She's right," I shrugged.
"Exactly," Amelia chuckled.
Everyone was now here and my eyes kept landing on Owen. He was so fucking cute.
"You know eventually he's gonna catch you staring at him," Derek said walking up next to me.
"What? Who?" I said.
"Oh come on," Derek said, "Owen." I bit the corner of my lip and looked back at Derek.
"He's kinda cute so what," I said.
"Go talk to him," he said.
"Why do I feel like you know something," I chuckled.
"Why do I feel like you want to go talk to him and know I'm right," he said.
"Fine," I chuckled. I walked over to Owen and he was talking to April.
"Hey," I said, walking up next to Owen. He turned and smiled.
"Hey," he said. April got pulled into another conversation which was a nice coincidence.
"Hey I wanna show you something," Owen chuckled, "come on."
"Alright," I said and walked down the hall with him.
"Wait close your eyes," Owen chuckled.
"Owen what are we doing," I laughed and closed my eyes.
"Just take a step forward," he chuckled, "trust me." I took a step forward.
"Open your eyes," he said. I did and I was confused at first.
"Okay look up," he said. I looked up and there was mistletoe between us. I could feel my heart flutter and I looked back at him and I smiled. He smiled back and he started to lean in and I met his lips with mine. He moved his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. When we broke the kiss I pulled back and smiled at him.
"Wow," I chuckled.
"Yeah," he chuckled.
"That was a good surprise," I chuckled.
"I hoped it would be," He said. We were still in each other's arms and I smiled.
She was standing in front of me with her eyes closed and I was suddenly nervous.
"Open your eyes," I chuckled. She looked up at me and looked a little confused which was cute.
"Okay look up," I said. She looked up and when she saw it she smiled. She looked back down at me and I smiled and started to lean down to kiss her. She leaned in and kissed me softly. As my arms went around her waist her arms went around my neck. The kiss was amazing. When we both finally pulled away we both chuckled and smiled.
"Wow," she chuckled.
"Yeah," I chuckled.
That was a good surprise," she smiled.
"I hoped it would be," I said. We were both still holding each other.
"Dinner!" We heard Meredith call. Before we ran back in Amelia leaned up and pecked my lips quickly and smiled as she ran off. I followed her and when I walked into the kitchen Derek walked over to me.
"So," He said.
"Yeah," I said.
"So you did it?" He asked.
"I did," I said.
"I'm assuming it went well," he chuckled.
"Uh Yeah," I chuckled and looked over at Amelia who was helping Meredith.
"Hey dude don't break her heart," Derek said.
"I know," I said.
"So I was right all along," he chuckled, "I knew you two liked each other." I chuckled and nodded.
I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. God it was great. We were all eating dinner and Owen was sitting next to me and all I could think about was how magical our kiss was.

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