chapter 35

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Tonight was New Years Eve and I was going over to Derek's to celebrate with Amelia and a bunch of other people from work. I was getting ready and I put on a nice shirt and jeans. I combed my hair and grabbed my phone and wallet and walked out to my car. I drove over to Derek's. I walked inside and Amelia was inside talking to April. I walked up behind her and touched her waist and she jumped.
"Oh my god you scared me," she chuckled. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and she leaned into me.
"Hello to you too," I joked.
"Hi," she said cutely and kissed me. April let us be alone and Amelia put her hands on top of mine and leaned into me.
"You're so cute," I said in her ear.
"I love you," She said.
"And I love you," I said. She turned around and smiled at me.
"You're cute," She said.
"No you're cute," I said. She smiled and kissed me softly. I held her waist and pulled her closer to me. When we broke the kiss and had her arms wrapped around my neck and she smiled cutely. I pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.
"Do you have a New Years resolution," I joked because I knew she didn't.
"No," she chuckled, "maybe I should drink less coffee but that won't happen."
"Drinking less coffee wouldn't be bad," I chuckled.
"You wouldn't like me if I didn't drink coffee," she chuckled.
"I'm sure that's not true," I said.
"Ask Emma," She chuckled.
"Alright then," I chuckled.
"What about you?" She asked.
"Nope," I said.
"I got one," She chuckled.
"Oh great," I joked.
"You could not hog all the covers when you sleep over," she joked.
"I do not," I protested.
"Yes you do," she chuckled.
"Do not," I said.
"Yes you do," she said.
"Your house is cold," I said.
"Oh is that it?" She said.
"Yeah," I shrugged, "but you're hot so I don't know what's going on."
"You're hot too why do you need all the covers?" She joked.
"Beats me," I said. She but the side of her lip as she looked at me and I crashed me lips into hers.
I've started to have feelings for my one friend Mike at school. I was sitting on the couch texting him. My mom came over and sat down next to me which I wasn't expecting so I shut my phone off quickly.
"Alright so who are you texting," she said.
"I'm playing a game," I lied.
"You're a bad liar," she said.
"No I'm not," I said.
"Is it a boy," she said.
"Does it matter?" I said.
"Oooh it is," she said.
"Okay maybe," I said.
"So do you like him?" She asked, "is he cute?"
"Yeah I guess," I said.
"Oh come on talk to me," she said.
"I mean yeah I like him," I said. She smiled.
"So what's his name?" She asked.
"Oh no you're not getting a name because you'll like FBI search him or something," I chuckled.
"Wow I'm offended," She said.
"Hey you got one thing out of me," I said.
"Fair enough," she shrugged.
"So how's Owen?" I asked. The way her face lit up when I mentioned Owen was cute, I could tell she was very happy.
"Oh he's good," she smiled, "really good."
"That's good," I said.
"So is this kid like a John? Anthony? Jack? Jackson?" She asked.
"No no no and no," I said.
"Hey we can't go into the new year keeping secrets," she said.
"Oh yes we can," I said.
"Fine," She said. She got up to go back into the kitchen and then she turned and looked at me.
"He's a michael isn't he," she said.
"No," I said.
"Oh yes he is," she said.
"Okay goodbye now," I said.
"Ha," She said and walked into the other room.
I had my head in Owen's lap and we were downstairs in the basement. Owen, I, Meredith, April, Jackson, and Arizona were watching tv. I looked up at Owen and nuzzled into him.
"Tired?" He chuckled.
"Yeah," I said.
"Amelia it's 7:30," Meredith laughed.
"I was up at 7 that's too early for me," I said.
"Oh honey," Arizona said.
"Anything before 2 is too early for you," Owen joked.
"You're right," I said.
"Amelia your New Years resolution should be to be a morning person," Meredith joked.
"Oh fuck no," I said.
"That'd be a good one though," Owen said.
"Shut up," I chuckled.
"No you shut up," he said.
"Ew stop being cute," Meredith joked.
"Sorry," I chuckled.
"It's not okay," Meredith chuckled. I sat up and rested my head on Owens shoulder. He kissed my head and put his arm around me.
"I love you," he whispered in my ear.
"I love you too," I said softly.

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