chapter 81

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Amelias alarm went off at 6 and she was passed out next to me. I reached over her and shut her alarm off.
"Amelia," I said.
"Mmm," she mumbled and rolled over into me.
"Come on honey time to get up," I said and kissed her cheek.
"Owen," She mumbled.
"Come on get up," I said and kissed her softly and pulled the covers off her. Her eyes opened and she rolled over.
"Ugh," She said and got up, "I'm tired holy shit."
"Hey Ashers in here," I chuckled.
"I'm sorry," she chuckled. I got up and wrapped my arms around her waist and nuzzled into her back.
"Good morning," I said.
"Good morning," she said. I kissed her neck and she smiled.
"Okay I gotta go get Emma up," she chuckled.
"Okay," I said. I let go of her and watched her pull her hair into a bun and walk out the door.
I opened Emmas door and I felt bad waking her, but she had to go to school.
"Hey Emma," I said softly. She rolled over and I knew she was up.
"Emma come on time for school," I said.
"My head hurts," she said.
"And that's why we don't drink Emma," I said.
"You drink why doesnt your head ever hurt," she said.
"It does sometimes," I chuckled, "but I'm an adult I'm allowed to drink."
"Stop yelling," she said.
"Come on you're going to school," I said, "hungover or not let's go." She slowly got up and I went downstairs to make her breakfast. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I looked out of the kitchen and it was Joey.
"Good morning buddy," I smiled. He came over and sat at the table and I smiled.
"Mommy what's for breakfast?" He asked.
"I don't know what do you want?" I asked.
"Waffles!" He said.
"Okay well we have 2 waffles coming up then," I chuckled.
"Yay," he smiled. I heard Asher crying and I turned and Owen came into the kitchen and frowned.
"He wants you he wont stop crying," he said.
"Can you finish the waffles?" I asked.
"Amelia they're in the toaster," he chuckled.
"Yeah but," I chuckled and took Asher from Owen.
"You're cute," he said and kissed me. I rubbed Ashers back and kissed his little head.
"Good morning baby," I smiled.
"Ma ma," he said quietly. I looked up and looked at Owen and he smiled.
"That's right," I smiled, "now whose that?" I asked him and pointed to Owen. He smiled and cuddled into me and I chuckled.
"Asher can you say dada?" I asked him and Owen smiled.
"Da?" He said confused and snuggled into me.
"Close enough," Owen said. I chuckled and came over to him and kissed his cheek. Emma came in the kitchen and I knew she was hungover. I wanted to let her stay home but I needed to punish her for last night. Her and Joey at breakfast and Asher was still in my arms. He was so cute. Emma finished breakfast and her bus was going to be here soon. Izzy came running into the kitchen and jumped into Owens arms. I smiled at them.
"Okay Emma have a good day at school I love you," I said and kissed her head before she walked out the door.
"I love you too," she said and ran out to her bus. Asher started crying again so I took him upstairs and Owen finished making the kids breakfast. I cradled Asher in my arms and sang to him to get him to fall back asleep.
"I didn't know you could sing," Owen said. I looked up and didn't realize he was standing in the doorway listening.
"Oh I mean I guess," I shrugged. He chuckled and came over and kissed me.
"You can sing Amelia," he chuckled, "You have a nice voice."
"Thanks," I smiled. I kissed his cheek and he put his arm around me.
"Hey Asher whose that?" I tried again and pointed at Owen.
"Dada?" He said slowly.
"Good job!" I said cutely and kissed his cheek.
"And Asher whose that?" Owen said and pointed to me.
"Mama!" He said cutely.
"I love you," Owen said.
"I love you too," I smiled and kissed him softly.
"And we love you too Asher," I said and kissed his head. I loved my kids so much.

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