Chapter 2

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"Surprise" Smirked the sandy haired boy as he gestured towards the cabin, music blared from inside, flashing lights visible, the strong stench of alcohol filled the air. He rested his arms and chin on the open car door as he observed the beautiful girl's expression. She laughed. Half dazed and awe struck at the immense effort her friend had put into this party. Almost instantly reading her expression he broke the silence

"Relax. I called a few people, the word got around, everyone brought drinks and things. My family never really use this cabin, everything sort of fell in place. Don't go thinking you're too special."

Lolita rolled her eyes at her friend, knowing all well that he did have something special planned. He was a useless liar and that brought a slight smile to her lips. She really was going to miss Isaac the most but perhaps not his signature smirk as she soon noticed it plastered across his face.

Isaac tilted his head slightly, gesturing the girl to move forward as he shut the car door and approached her side. They began walking up the wooden stairs which creaked under the pressure, causing Lolita to slightly tense as she examined the towering trees. They seemed almost humanlike, no. Animal like, the rigid bare branches screeching in the wind, the golden leaves scattered amongst the dirt path. Ah, autumn, the season of death.

Lolita didn't understand why she was so jumpy today. She was trained by her father's soldiers, she was stronger than many male wolves of her age, she was brought up to be a warrior. Her mother always said she had a brave soul, but tonight, everything seemed to frighten her. She felt helpless, like she was being followed by a cloud of fear, or rather a creature which induced this. Suddenly, she felt the warmth of Isaac's hand intertwine with her own. He must have sensed her fear, she looked up to be greeted by a worried expression.

"Everything okay?"

She smiled and squeezed the concerned boy's hand. "It is now"

The cabin door was yanked open, the two were greeted by a pair of thrilled twins. Lolita dropped the handsome boy's hand as she ran to them, greeted with a bone crushing embrace. When they finally broke off, she looked admirably towards the pair. Sisters, almost identical with long silvery hair, deep blue eyes and the most contagious smiles. After the ball, at least she would be able to keep in contact with them, she thought.

Lily, the younger twin grabbed Lolita's arm and dragged her inside. "You're missing everything, Adam brought a keg and Anna tried drinking from it upside down!" She shot a look at her twin sister. "It was so funny watching her fall"

Anna looked distraught "I didn't fall, I slipped, there were so many people crowded around me I just-"

"Yeah alright Jill, did you drop your pail of alcohol down the hill too?"

Lily burst into laughter at Isaac's remark while the other twin playfully attacked him, loosing her balance again, she gripped Isaac as he tumbled down with her.

"Hey!" He screamed, the sound drowned by Lily and Anna's drunken laughter.

"What's the matter Jack, broke your crown?"

"Nicknames are my thing!" He laughed as he helped himself and Anna up.

Lolita smiled at her friends' stupidity as they clambered up thinking how lucky she was to have grown up with these people. At this moment, nothing mattered anymore, she was so happy and determined to enjoy the night. She giggled as she grabbed her friends and pulled them towards the dancing crowd.

"Change the song Adam!" The twins screamed over the ear-splitting rock songs which began to play.

"Please" Lolita added

"Make me, princess" Replied a rather smug looking teen.

The 3 directed their gaze towards Isaac, he rolled his eyes as he approached the situation.

"Hey ma-"

The cabin door fell to the ground causing a colossal crash to ricochet through the room. The wire was shredded under the newcomer and the music instantly cut off. Teens began screaming and running towards the other direction, with the exception of the small friendship group. The girl's stood quivering, their legs turning into jelly.

"Now that was awfully rude" muttered Isaac his jaw dropping as he turned around to face the tall dark wolf, its bloodshot eyes fixed on Lolita.

Isaac noticed this, his teeth bared as he prepared for a shift. Motioning the girls to run, he stood protectively in front of them as he transformed into a sandy wolf, not half the size of his opponent, how he was not shaking in his skin the girls couldn't comprehend, he really was an Alphas son. Looking back he faced the girls, his face warned them to go before he quickly refaced his opponent with a low growl.

"WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE" Anna screeched as she grabbed the friends' wrists and darted towards the door.

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