Chapter 13

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"I don't want to go anywhere with you" Lolita whispered. Despite her hazy state, the alert girl had heard Damien's murderous tone, witnessed his remorseless expression and had too many questions of her own to be yanked away from all familiarity- thrown into a foreign land with a psychotic serial killer.

"Ah, but you see. It's not a matter of want. Frankly, I don't want this neither, but here we are." Jerking his head, he faced his attention towards Lolita, his face stone cold and unfazed.
"You can bring your friend" He added uninterestedly waving a hand in the direction of the sandy-haired boy.

"I think we'll pass"

"Isaac, how fond are you of your skull?" The Beta reproachfully questioned.

"I'm very attached to it" The boy replied throwing him a quizzical glance.

"Then I suggest you comply to my Alpha's wishes if you want to keep it that way." Growling, the wolf shifted towards Isaac earning an outburst of laughter from the Alpha himself. Dumbfounded by the act, the Beta stopped in his tracks, unconsciously shooting him a confused expression.

"You see, I wouldn't want our leave to falter their relationship. He's coming with us."

Lolita flashed expressions of desprate pleas towards the boy, distracted by his 'who can make the most disgusted face' challenge with Steph at the amused leader, he failed to acknowledge her burning glare. However, Vincent had caught on, aimlessly attempting to defend the girl, his attention soon turned to the king, both stood emptily looking at each other, communicating through a telepathic link.

"Then it's settled" the king spoke out loud, breaking the tension which had been eating away at the brunette. "Lolita is under the protection of my finest warriors, the Silvermoon and the Ember pack, she is to remain here, with myself, Daniel and Vincent where she is safe until further notice."

"Safe?" questioned the demeaning predator mockingly. "Your finest warriors can wither from their own mediocrity. She is not 'safe' here." He spat the word safe like it was the most disgusting thing he had ever heard. "Suppose this little incident ought to replay itself, you're not properly equipped to take on a delta from my pack, the big bad wolf's a far strech."

"Well that's because your pack are all Lycans" Isaac mumbled.

"See? Steph's already disclosing so much to his little friend, self disscloure is mandatory in relationship formation" He turned to Lolita, grinning. "What's your favourite colour?"

Lolita could not distinguish between the strange Alpha's erratic personas. One minute the sadistic predator could be tearing his prey into shreds, the next, breaking into a rather heated debate on whether pineapple belonged on pizza. However, one thing she was most certain of, the petite girl had made an immense life altering revelation, her whole world was now consumed with the fiery knowledge. They say the truth hurts, but this burned.

After receiving a wealth of suspicious looks, the Queen was the first to finally address the demanding Alpha. "How do we know you don't have the same intentions, oh so powerful Alpha of darkness?" Her concerned expression moulded of disgust and hatred.

This caused Damien to flinch, his concrete features dropped. He began stuttering, the once frightful figure now resembled a small terrified child. "You think? Liz. I would never. I promise you, I wouldn't. I can't!" Taken aback by the response, Elizabeth's features softened but the feeling of suspicion remained while the Alpha continued stuttering. "Her pain is my own, I rather die a thousand times over than harm a single hair on her head."

Regardless of Damien's practiced cold demeanour, something about Lolita broke this, instantly when he uttered his final word, a wave of embarrassment and realisation hit him.

"What is your business with my daughter?" The Queen raised her eyebrow, selecting her words carefully and expressing then with just as much care.

"Well, I mean" Comically starching the back of his neck, the Alpha paused calculating an appropriate response.

"What a decennial sight" sneered a unknown voice. "The Alpha of darkness, choking on his own emotions."

Instantly, Damien's godlike features snapped back into their sculpted flat expression, swiftly, in one motion the Alpha had the not so dead warlock in his grasp, firing the struggling man a cruel smirk. "August," The catlike man clawed at the superior's arm. "It's been a while, old friend."

Lolita still processing the Alpha's earlier speech, felt sympathy for his helpless prey. The warlock stood a better chance receiving a reaction from a brick wall. Examining his cool exterior Lolita noticed how calm and collected Damien seemed, rather a different man from the previous scene. His small slip of character caused the girl to detect the facade he had built. The violence, humour. These were simply his defence mechanisms to keep him at the top of the food chain.

After the experience Lolita was dragged through today, she had felt a strong fear of loosing both her parents, loved ones and herself. This fear had spawned irrational thoughts of where she should be without them. Helpless, lost and petrified. Constantly petrified.

Her mate had experienced this, from the rumours alone Lolita had deduced he felt all these emotions above but the overbearing responsibility of his title determined that he kept these emotions hidden away. At the young at of 10, when Lolita could not be left responsible with feeding her cat, Damien was left with the responsibility of a whole pack. His exceptional power being the only force he could turn to. Damien did not choose his life, it was simply thrown at him.

A spasm of guilt erupted inside her petite body. How cruel she had been to even think of rejecting him, of disrespecting the Moon Goddess in such a manner. She had meticulously selected each mate herself, insuring that they complete each other. Damien was no monster, during their limited time together it was evident he cared for Lolita more than anything. He was broken, and it was up to Lolita to put the pieces back together.

My mother didn't raise no quitter. She thought before rather loudly voicing her next words. "I'll go with you."

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