Chapter 29

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"You've never shifted" Lucius proclaimed, dumbfounded.

"No. I don't think I have" The embarrassed girl replied, her tone and manner laced with uncertainty. Her petite figure shyly shuffling her weight from one foot to the other.

How had she spent the last 18 years of her life so mindlessly transfixed on elusive memories, she did not know. Her state of false consciousness allowed her to succumb to her parents' compulsions regarding the secrecy of her nature.

If only she had realised that something was not right, then this humiliating moment would have been avoided, Lolita thought, as a shade of crimson crept onto her pale skin. Her mate probably saw her as weak and useless now. The words 'little girl' painfully engraved into her.

After Lucius momentary lapse, which he regarded as unprofessional, the Lycan directed the attention back towards the training. His words cutting through the soundless air.

"We'll address this situation later. For now, I want to test your current position to see how much we need to work on. Damien, you can still help with that"

Transfixed on the nervous girl, the alpha cautiously examined her. His enchanting pale orbs held a softened expression of comfort and sympathy. In his eyes, he saw her as a delicate piece of China which he would break if his flaming glare burning into her too roughly.

"Perhaps now isn't the best time"

With those words uttered, Damien felt a presence behind him, noticing that Lolita no longer stood where his gaze was glued to, he sharply turned before abruptly face planting onto the solid ground.

"No, it's perfect"

A smirk stretched into Damien's milky features contrasting the glimmer of unwillingness in his eyes.

"Stealthy" he chuckled before launching himself back into standing position, his built frame towering above Lolita. If eyes were a window to one's soul, Damien's soul would resemble nothing but a pit of empty darkness. Like a vicious predator, he stalked his prey. Circling the petite girl, amusement lingered across his sculpted features as he waited for her to make the first strike.

Lolita felt all her previous emotions melt into the floor beneath her. Her father's voice rang through her ears, almost unconsciously standing her ground; she positioned herself, ready for attack.

Damien lazily grinned, "Nice stance"

"Of course it is" Lolita laugher, playfully aiming for the Alpha. In one swift motion, Damien dodged the blow and swiped the unsteady girl to the ground.

"Could be stronger though" he muttered, chuckling. "And focus"

The frustrated girl shot up, all playfulness aside, she aimed for the Alpha again. This time, her hand collided with his chest, his concrete build causing her more harm than she had inflicted.

"Let's try something different" Lucius added as he saw her wince. The Lycan handed the pair long wooden sticks. "The first person to drop their stick loses"

Before Lucius had the chance to declare any more rules; Lolita swung her stick, with all the energy she could muster towards Damien, who reflexively shot his upward, the clunking sound of the collision filling the room.

"Oh game on, little wolf" Damien smirked. His beguiling voice harmoniously fusing into the atmosphere. Lolita skillfully dodged the pole which was swung at her with little of her opponent's force, she earned a small grin in response before he launched his feeble weapon at her again.

Soon, the sheer force of the rambunctious clashing and crashing was all that could be heard. Each strike left a deafening sting to the heightened senses of the fighters. Lolita paid little attention to this, the shock of electrifying adrenaline coursing through her veins sent every inch of her body into attack mode, like she had become a robotic creature, programmed to eliminate her deadly opponent. Each blow sent Damien's wolf on edge, a rumbling vibration visibly filled his chest, irritated at his human form's sloppy movements, the wolf was itching to be released, blinded at who he was up against, his only motive, to kill.

Lolita saw the growing frustration within Damien, eyes flickering different shades, his body shaking and a murderous look faintly began taking shape onto his godly features transforming him into a creature which made Satan himself seem benevolent.

His lethal figure agilely glided closer to the girl, his muscles trembling as his blows became erratic. Lolita latched her feet onto the floor under her, his attacks became harsh, the petite girl's arms ached as the wood roughly collided but her grip only tightened and she responded with her own quickening swings. She would not give Damien the satisfaction of surrendering. It didn't matter if she had proven her ability to Lucius, this was beyond training.

The belting force radiated in the caged ring as Damien harshly sent Lolita's pole, along with her small frame tumbling to the ground. However, Lolita's grip on the wood merely tightened in response, she refused to drop the makeshift weapon. Despite her vulnerable state, her stoic opponent stood his ground, his lethal body towered above her. Slamming his pole down, a thundered crash ricocheted as Lolita rolled over, the groud which she was laying on moments ago was now dented.

"Easy Damien" An alert Lucius hesitantly spoke. But Damien was no longer in control. His fiery eyes sent the Lycan running towards the cage, his shaky hands pulling towards the opening which remained fastened. He began screaming things towards Lolita but this was drowned out through her growing determination, the brunette soaked up the rage from Damien's aura and confidently rose.

Swinging directly towards Damien, her pole vibrated as it contacted his solid figure, his wolf adopting his signature smirk from the lack of damage Lolita had caused, momentarily distracting him as the brunette tactically fired her weapon towards the centre of Damien's pole which tore apart in his hands.

Nevertheless, this did not stop Damien drive for destruction. He dropped the broken weapon, lowly chuckling before launching himself at Lolita. Her back collided against the cage harshly, a flicker of realisation illuminated the Alpha's glowing orbs as he recognised Lolita as his mate. His grip only tightened, his destructive motives altering.

Lolita saw his fangs elongate. This caused her to squirm violently in her mate's hold. To hell will she allow herself to be marked here. She heard Lucius' thrusting his weight at the rigid cage door, knowing it would not open, she had to save herself.

She stopped bashing at his chest and began calming herself, remembering what Lucius had said to her back in the garden. Taking this as a sign of her submission, Damien's wolf leaned in closer, his fangs scrapping against the porcelain skin of the shuddering girl. His jaw extended before he roughly clamped down only to hear his teeth clash.

Lolita was no longer struggling in his hold. She was no longer stood on the ground near him.

An illuminating light blinded him, bringing him back to his senses. Looking up, he was no longer met with a girl he recognised. Almost colourless blonde hair flowed behind the angelic light, blanketing the air around her. Her glowing eyes mirroring her pale golden locks. The illuminated girl longer seemed frail or weak. Between the junction of her shoulders a tall feathery trail fluttered below her.

The Alpha of darkness was struck mute. His gaze was no longer met with Lolita, instead he was in the presence of a enchanting angel.

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