Chapter 45

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"Shut your mouth, you look like a fish" Steph mocked, addressing both the king and Isaac.

"I'm not even going to ask" Isaac defeatedly sighed. Turning away, he headed instead, with the girls tailing him, the teens did not want to be present for the uproar and scheming they predict to be ahead.

"Explain?" Isaac meekly asked the Alpha's sister once they were safely seated away from the scene.

"Yeah.." Anna trailed on, "Is he real?" This caused all the teens to burst into an abundance of nervous laughter.

"I think so" Vivian countered, muffling her giggles. "He's just, different" She continued, selecting the appropriate words. "It's part of his complexity, he's immortal"

"Oh" Her friends replied in a confused union.

"I'm guessing that has something to do with the prophecy then" Lily slowly stammered.

"So, Lolita's immortal too?" Her twin gasped.

The raven shook her head vigorously. "Damien's immortality has nothing to do with the prophecy, I'm almost certain that the concept isn't true at all"

"The prophecy?" Isaac ran his fingers through his mop of sandy hair. "Then what's up with Damien's uh Damienness"

This seemed to make the Alpha's sister uncomfortable, wide-eyed and shuffling from foot to foot, she robotically muttered a rehearsed response. "We mustn't discuss that"


Darkness encased the large lifeless room, buried deep within the covers her silky brunette locks lay sprawled across the contrastingly white pillow. Plump lips slightly parted, long lashes kissing her creamy cheeks. Lolita was at peace.

A small smile stretched her lips, her face meeting the pillow and she subconsciously snuggled further into the warmth. Aluminous moonlight caressing her enhanced features casting a light of hope in the darkest shadows of her struggles.

"Remarkable" A gruff voice whispered, tracing the moonlit skin. His icy fingers caused the brunette to shudder from the sudden contact, her eyes ripping wide open, her blissful exterior crumpling at the deathly creature sat before her.

"Hello again" He whispered, amused from Lolita's irrational fear, sure he was the unforgiving creature of night, but he wouldn't hurt her, his hand reached out slowly before he brushed a loose lock from the beautiful brunette's petrified features, his gentle action executed carefully as if she was a priceless painting he would tarnish by pressing down too roughly.

"What're you doing here?" Lolita shakily addressed the vampire king, unable to meet his gaze.

A wide grin spread across his haunting features as he took a moment to compose his reply.

"I have a proposal for you, sweetheart" Lolita felt herself internally cringe at the noun, desolation washing over her as she recalled at the individuals who referred to her with this loving term, from their lips it brought the girl a sense of security however the hostility of this creature resulted in the vice. Unaltered by Lolita's dismal, he continued.

"Given your circumstances, I understand you're alone" He paused, licking his dry crimson lips. Lips which would've feasted on plenty of innocent people leaving Lolita with a taunting imagine of blood dripping from the lethal canines, decorating his pale, sharp chin. "I understand what you're going through. For centuries I've been alone myself which brings us to my quite literal proposal of your hand in holy matrimony"

This was the last thing Lolita pictured to leave the predator's mouth. In utter bafflement, the petite girl shrunk back further into the covers, unable to comprehend her current predicament. A tense chuckle rumbled from the vampire as he continued to caress the girl's flushed cheek.

"I don't even know your name" Lolita blurted, mapping her escape route.

"Nathaniel" A faint smile flashing across his lips, unaware of the violent thoughts swirling in the brunette's mind.


"Damien?" An eerie silence followed. "Damien!" The silence continued, only broken by the sharp cries of the Alpha's name. The irked king retired with his futile attempts, slumping into the comfort of the coach before eying the Alpha in suspicion.

Ruffled midnight locks, pale sunken eyes. The tranced stature of Damien leaned into the doorframe, his ridged figure leaving him out of place. His frozen stance leaving him out of time.

Omnipresent. A typical characteristic that of a divinity. A typical characteristic that of which Damien inherited from the divinities.

Capturing the presence of his translucent angel, his soul melted into the beyond before presented with an image of his soundlessly asleep mate. A rush of ecstasy bubbled within him from mere sight. Safe, sound and asleep. His mate was alright, the relief which flowed through him caught the Alpha off guard, almost loosing sight of his mission till he felt his presence floating back towards his body.

Forcefully snapping his locked gaze away from the brunette, Damien felt a bitter pang of regret, all he and his wolf wanted was their mate, secure in his arms. He wanted the sparks when meeting her hopeful orbs, the fireworks from her warm touch and the nuclear explosions from meeting her soft lips. Clenching his jaw together, Damien pushed his wandering thoughts aside, there was be plenty of time for them later, he thought. Placing all his attention towards the task at hand.

Peering through the glazed window, the concerned Alpha scanned the land in failure to recognise Lolita's whereabouts. Searching further than a human eye had the capacity to, his burning gaze reached the stage of melting holes through the thick glass.

Turning away before this, Damien's shock of dark hair flopped to a side as the heavy door creaked, revealing a stealthy shadow which glided towards the sleeping beauty.

His sleeping beauty.

A shaky growl grew in his throat, his anger rolling of in waves of destruction like a flood harshly connecting against Noah's ark. However, the calculating wolf noted the futility behind this, although his veins flowed heavily with power and infinite ability, he had not yet mastered the art of this, he may be spiritually with his mate, psychically present he was not. Nor did he understand how to be, the little he had learnt was due to the experience of his sinister dreams and years of mastery. Rage and anger did not accommodate the situation well.

Instead, Damien grew uncomfortably attentive over the shadow which advanced dangerously closer to his mate. Through his swift actions the creature's haunting face came into the moonlight, a discreet smirk plastering across the victorious Alpha's features.

Shooting back towards his body, Damien grew in confidence.

I'll get you back, little one.

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