Chapter 17

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"It wasn't a dream." The grim Alpha announced through gritted teeth. "When I killed August, all his current magic diminished, meaning the side he suppressed from you, activated. And it was obviously erratic." His pale hand extended as he handed Lolita a glass of water which the small brunette gratefully took, the cool substance soothing her burning dry throat.

"Your body was asleep, but you red riding hood, went on a little trip, in which you encountered the big bad wolf. Now, if you were to become unconscious during this; when you would wake, your body too would be in the same place as your soul. Think of it as a supernatural sleep paralysis if you must." He finished, shrugging.

"We've to get going soon. I'll wait outside be ready in 10."

"Erm Damien."

"Little wolf?"

"What do I wear?" Looking down at her shoulder, Lolita laughed taking Damien by surprise before adding "I'm going to need more than 10 minutes."

Fishing through Damien's suitcase, Lolita's attention diverted to an oversized sweatshirt which stood out from the predominantly smart and mainly black attire. Not taking any chances with the pants, Lolita grabbed the jumper and darted to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

After a much-needed shower, Lolita stepped out of the bathroom, fresh and soothed. The warm water not only washing away all traces of the blood but also diminishing the tension and stress which burdened the small girl. Her attention fell to Damien lazily sprawled on the bed tossing a small ball up, catching it and resuming his actions. When she walked out, he swiftly sat up, throwing his lean legs of the bed and glided towards the door.

"About time. Were you even showering or did you decide to take another trip, to the Titanic this time?" However, his amused expression dropped when he saw his mate. "You're not wearing that out."

"Well, sorry to sink your ship but I have nothing else."

"Put some pants on at least." Damien whined.

"No thank you." Lolita scoffed. "They're so baggy and won't say up. I'm not on my way to shoot a hip-hop music video. Besides, It's my body. I'll decide what I put on it."

Before Damien could interject, Lolita raised her hand and a look of anger moulded onto her angelic face. "Before you say some possessive 'it's mine too' crap, please don't because it's really not. I don't care if we're mates, I'm not your property and after the morning I've had, you really don't want to get on my bad side." With that, she realised who she was talking too and a look of shock overcame here, she looked over to expect a seething Alpha, but instead the shock she expressed was mirrored in his frosty orbs, clearly he wasn't use to being spoken to in such a manner, however there was no anger which only gave her enough courage to hold her stance.

"Fine," He cringed as he spoke raising his hands. "but the first thing on our agenda now is to get you some clothes for yourself."

That seems fair, Lolita analysed Damien before happily responding "Sounds like a plan."

Hand in hand, Damien led the persistent girl to a different car from last night, still black but bigger, although Lolita had a lack of knowledge about cars, she had seen plenty expensive models that either belonged to her father or other Alpha's who attended a meeting with him, but never had she seen before, although it somewhat resembled a Rolls Royce there was something unearthly about it.

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