Chapter 58

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Her eyes began flickering open, the current events pattering above the surface of her mind causing the Lolita to shoot upward, a small groan simultaneously leaving her lips as her eyes readjusted to her surroundings. The broken handle of the car she pulled off came into view, in momentary laps of confusion the petite girl began swerving her head looking for the vampire she had surely slain.

However, the dark hair of the man driving the vehicle consoled her that he was indeed no more. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" She quipped in an irked manner.

The car abruptly halted causing her figure to slam into the front seats with sheer force.

"You weren't meant to wake up just yet" A low voice growled more to himself than the groaning girl, his lean figure swerved in his seat, facing the backseats.

"And a creep wasn't meant to throw me in the back of a car and drive off with me but here we are" Lolita aggressively muttered.

"Watch your tongue" Her kidnapper menacingly snapped causing Lolita to become aware of her tone, perhaps she had spent too much time with Damien and adopted his manner or perhaps she had been kidnapped one too many times for any fear to remain. "Sorry, I didn't mean that"

Her smile faltered, from her experience she knew her oppressor was certainly not meant to say that. Lolita groggily rose back to her seat, curiously meeting the familiar silverly orbs of the handsome stranger.

"Why?" She asked rather stupified.

"Why what?" Her companion asked, clearing his throat and returning his sight onto the road, the car restarted and Lolita was back to drilling holes at the back of his head.

"Look, it seems to me like you haven't done this before unless you're the delivery boy, you don't have any malicious intentions and I oddly feel safe around you, as stupid as that sounds. So why would you kidnap me?"

"Who says I'm not a delivery boy?" He blankly stated in an unconvincing manner.

"Oh," Lolita muttered disapprovingly, eyeing the locked car doors, any glimmer of hope vanishing. "So where are you taking me to?" She added.

"Shut up"


"Do I have to knock you out again?"

"Can I at least know your name?"

The driver thought about this for a minute, the silence dragged on causing Lolita to shift in her seat uncomfortably.

"No" he finally hummed.


A sickening crack of the murdered soldier's skull resounded thickly in the atmosphere. Vivian winced at the squelching of blood which followed as her venomous brother made his way towards the group, disregarding any deceased body in his way.

"That's the last of them" Isaac muttered scanning the scatters of lifeless bodies decorating Damien's manor. "Why didn't we just have him clear Dimitri's men in the first place?" He questioned Vivian who shrugged her shoulders in response.

"Because he wouldn't leave Lolita's side" Daniel absently breathed out, still unable to comprehend how one lone wolf could take on so many trained warriors.

Suddenly the mention of Lolita's name had snapped Damien from whatever trance he had been placed in, he sucked in his breath harshly as he snapped his fingers only for an empty vehicle arrive within seconds.

"Where is she?" He harshly growled more to himself than the others around him. His head snapped into the direction of his beta, for the first time he had not attempted to conceal the clear venerability and panic sprawled on his features. "They didn't-"

"No. You drove them away when you, well" He gestured towards the mounts of bodies. "Besides they are a supernatural force, the Gods, they cannot take people to the other side unless they're dead or unconscious" Steph firmly attested, however, this did little to cool Damien's aggressive temperament.

"Then where the fuck is she?" He gruffly roared, thunderous grumbling following; the lightning illuminating his heartbroken features.


"Shit" An irritated voice spat as splutters of rain thumped the car window heavily. He began grumbling as the storm brew on. "It's not safe to drive any further" He stated, facing the brunette. "It's only a short walk now, let's go"

Before Lolita could protest, she was yanked out of the battered car and pulled towards the woods. "Do I not get any say in this?" She shuddered, more startled that she did not harbor the reasonable fear one would when being drawn onto isolated land by a stranger.

As promised, it was a short walk, soon the pair arrived towards a small shack nestled within twisted trunks and concealed by flecks of golden leaves.

"You like?" The strange man asked smirking from Lolita's disgusted reaction. "Because that's where you'll be spending the rest of your existence"

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